Iskra Babich
1932 - 2001Peasants
Iskra Babich
Aleksandr Mikhaylov, Irina Ivanova
Pavel's mother hates his fiancee. When Pavel serves in the Army she writes him that Nastya is no longer faithful to him. Pavel decides not to return to his native town. But many years later he returns to his fathers funeral and finds out that Nastya died sometime ago. She left three kids orphans and her elder daughter is also a daughter of Pavel.

Первое свидание
Iskra Babich
Lidiya Shaporenko, Georgiy Yumatov
Alexey and Valentina met in the tourist camp on Seliger, and after two weeks they celebrated their wedding. Returning to the family, the young couple faced the first difficulties. Both parents didn't like the willfulness of the young - and there were problems with housing. They started a constant quarrels. The young soon agreed that their wedding was premature ...
The First Date

Iskra Babich
Galina Yatskina, Valentin Zubkov
Молодая доярка Даша, героиня труда, вышла замуж за Зиновия. Построили дом, завели хозяйство, отгородились забором. В ожидании первенца Зиновий отсчитывал дни и мечтал о переезде в город. Когда стало трудно следить за коровой, Даша отдала ее колхозу. Зиновий впервые затаил зло, но вскоре простил любимую жену. А когда отвез ее в роддом, заколотил окна и перевез вещи в город. Но Даша, хоть и любила всем сердцем Зиновия, а вернулась с ребенком в деревню и стала ждать возвращения мужа.