Oddvar Bull Tuhus
1940 (84 года)I sin første film bar stilen hans preg av å være inspirert av fransk ny
bølgefilm og de modernistiske filmene på 1960- og 1970-tallet. Med hans
neste film, Maria Marusjka fra 1973 heller Tuhus mer mot den realistiske filmen og vant også Filmkritikerprisen
for sitt arbeid. På 80-tallet gikk Tuhus igjen nye veier og laget tre
ungdomsfilmer og en spenningsfilm, hans siste filmer var mer i retning
populærfilmen og spesielt hans siste film, Blücher fra 1988 bar preg av de store blockbuster- og actionfilmene fra 80-tallet. Han er også grunnlegger og styreformann i de private produksjonsselskapene Vampyrfilm (grunnlagt 1970) og Marcusfilm (grunnlagt 1974).
Oddvar Bull Tuhus
Rune Dybedahl, Liv Bernhoft Osa
Hockeyfeber tells not only the story of collisions on the ice , but also about life as it really fortoner in the tough environment amateur sport unfolding in . The film depicts the sporting community for better or worse , and shows how tough and cynical demands of athletes being when the sponsors' affection, the most important.

Oddvar Bull Tuhus
Rune Dybedahl, Cecilie Holter
We follow the rootless Sinsen gang in good times and bad. A life that consists of rock concerts, hut trips, amusement park visits and car thefts. The year is 1958, when the Americans launched the Explorer and the Russians Sputnik III. However, these events do not interest the youthful persons in this film, the members of the "Sinsen gang". For them, it is far more important to know which rock hits are on top on Top Twenty on Radio Luxembourg, and to have seen the latest film with Elvis. The most important is to be accepted by the gang, to be loyal to your pals, and for a very few to be prepared for school

Oddvar Bull Tuhus
Helge Jordal, Hege Schøyen
Blücher is a 1988 Norwegian thriller film directed by Oddvar Bull Tuhus, starring Helge Jordal, Frank Krog and Hege Schøyen. Two North Sea divers who have recently been fired plan to vindicate themselves by a pioneer expedition to the wreckage of the German cruiser Blücher, at the bottom of the Oslofjord. The expedition soon becomes entangled in political intrigues.

Oddvar Bull Tuhus
Kirsti Blom, Ivan Johnson
The reason for the film is the continuous stream of reminders that we get more and more often about cruelty practiced in all parts of the world. The film reveals a society completely confused in its deepest value choices.