Sergey Debizhev
1957 (67 лет)He graduated from the Leningrad Art College named after VA Serov (1977, specialty "Design - Graphics"), Leningrad Higher School of Industrial Art named after VI Mukhina (1982, Faculty of System Design). Taught the composition in the school. Serov.
Participated in numerous art exhibitions (design, graphics, painting). The director and scriptwriter of documentary and feature films, the author of video clips, the author and the director of television programs.
Alexey Balabanov
Sergei Bodrov Jr., Svetlana Pismichenko
Danila goes to his successful brother, Victor, in Petersburg to start a new life. Unknown to Danila, Victor is a contract killer, but is in hiding after asking for too much money to assassinate a Chechen mob boss. To avoid exposure, Victor convinces Danila to kill the boss instead.

Комплекс невменяемости
Sergey Debizhev
Sergei Kuryokhin
Фильм напоминает, что устроенный чудесным образом мир захвачен учеными и политиками. По сути — это абсурдно-ироническое повествование, в котором нашли свое отражение антинаучные и антиамериканские тенденции последнего времени.
Insanity Complex

Два капитана 2
Sergey Debizhev
Sergei Kuryokhin, Boris Grebenshchikov
The beginning of the 20th century. The recklessness of fanatics is pushing humanity towards the abyss. A revolution begins in Russia. Crazy Dr. Farkus induces an orgasm of inanimate matter. White Moroccan dwarfs are becoming active. A second Sun appears in the sky. In this difficult environment, captains selflessly confront the forces of chaos, maintaining the cosmic balance of history.
Two Captains II

Rita's Last Fairy Tale
Renata Litvinova
Mitya Borisov, Lev Danilkin
The film speaks about universal themes of love, hate and search for love. The portrait of three women represents these three states. Tanya Neubivko has never been in love but optimistically is searing for it. Her unfortunate and even dangerous encounters with strangers on dates almost got her killed. Rita is happily engaged and planning a wedding after a routine medical check-up. Nadya is a very unhappy doctor who hates her husband and finds relief in alcohol. The story takes place in a surreal hospital with the leaking roof and hollow walls and constantly smoking doctors, where Rita is destined to die.
Rita's Last Fairy Tale

Русский cон
Sergey Debizhev
Marina Albi
The film tells about Marina Albi, a famous American woman who has been living for twenty years in Russia. She undertakes a spiritual trip to the Russian province to find 'the Heart of Russia'. It is with her eyes that we see the beauties and the joys of small Russian towns and villages, as well as their sufferings and problems. The goal of her trip is to find explanations: "What is one's own life?" "How to live one's own life?" In the end of the film, she meets someone and this great meeting reveals to her simple and great truths.
Russian Dream

Над темной водой
Dmitry Meskhiev
Aleksandr Abdulov, Kseniya Kachalina
Leningrad; 60th years; white nights. Walking on Neva Embankment, the charming provincial has met three friends: poet, artist and film director. And each of young people has suggested to marry him.
Over the Dark Water

Последний рыцарь империи
Sergey Debizhev
The film is about a man whose works and the name itself have been under a strict ban for a long time. Ivan Solonevich is a Russian thinker, politician, writer, publicist and at the same time an outstanding athlete, vice-champion of the Russian Empire, one of the creators of the Sambo wrestling. All the activities of Solonevich, all his energy were directed to the fight against the inhuman system of power that arose in Russia after 1917.
The Last Knight of the Empire

Золотое сечение
Sergey Debizhev
Renata Litvinova, Kseniya Rappoport
Алекс — модный персонаж шоу-бизнеса. Однажды во французском журнале он встречает статью со старинной фотографией. Статья о крупном выигрыше в казино в колониальной Камбодже. На фотографии Герой узнаёт своего деда, которого все считали погибшим. Герой просит свою бывшую возлюбленную атташе по культуре Франции всё разузнать. Выясняется, что в Париже Героя много лет ждёт наследство. Хранителем наследства оказывается масон высокого ранга. Он рассказывает Герою историю деда, отдаёт ему выигрыш и вовлекает в масонский заговор.
The Golden Mean

Золотой сон
Sergey Debizhev
This film is made up from archive footage from the early years of the twentieth century covering the years from 1900 to 1920. The footage, often unique, was filmed by different people and groups the world over, and is united to give a wide overview of the fate of European civilization.
The Golden Dream

Крым небесный
Sergey Debizhev
The Crimea in the films is a miniature copy of the planet, a “vibrant heart” of the Earth. This place conceals the power of the four elements, there you’ll find everything: mountains, the sea, forests, the tropics, the savannah, sand deserts, swamps, a dormant volcano, salt lakes, cosmic landscapes which look alien on our planet. Space photography emphasizes the cosmic scale of narration. New technologies permit us to see unique natural phenomena which are inaccessible to the human eye.
Celestial Crimea

Раскаленный хаос
Sergey Debizhev
Year 2017 would be the 100th Anniversary of the revolution in Russia. Film researches the reasons of the “Russian revolution”, First World War, external and internal conspiracies, which led to the collapse of the monarchy and traditional world order. Narration is build of quotes, memoirs and inferences of eyewitnesses. The facts are told based on the views of the authors of the film.
A Hellish Chaos

Рок за гранью
Sergey Debizhev
Sergey Debizhev, Sergei Bugayev
The film "Rock Beyond" is dedicated to Viktor Tsoi, Boris Grebenshchikov and Sergei Kuryokhin, who became the Main Heroes of Russian rock in the 1980s and 1990s. The authors strive to show the atmosphere and energy of those years, as well as the opinion of modern young people about Rock culture before they were born.
Rock Beyond