Karin Brandauer
1945 - 1992Erdsegen
Karin Brandauer
Dietrich Siegl, Alexander Wagner
Vienna 1910. Hans Trautendorffer, an 35 year old journalist bets with his newpaper chief that he'll be able to work as a farm worker in the country for a whole year. But his dreams of a healthy, quiet country life don't come true- at least not the way he expected it.

Das Totenreich
Karin Brandauer
Vadim Glowna, Irm Hermann
Denmark, by the end of the 19th century. Gov. Dihmer gives his resignation because of his illness. Two friends, a pastor and a physician, try to awaken his willpower and transcend a journey to Italy. Meanwhile, in the homeland, there are political breakthroughs that make little hope for new times.
Das Totenreich

Karin Brandauer
Krista Stadler, Roswitha Schreiner
Счастливое детство закончилось вместе со смертью матери. Теперь Золушка всего лишь прислуга в доме своей злобной мачехи и постоянный объект для насмешек ее глупых дочерей. Лишь волшебство способно избавить ее от непосильного труда и унижений. Роскошное платье, сияющая карета и хрустальные туфельки — мечта любой девушки! И вот уже Принц очарован прекрасной незнакомкой. Но только чистая душа и доброе сердце сделают из Золушки настоящую принцессу.

Einstweilen wird es Mittag
Karin Brandauer
Franziska Walser, Nicolas Brieger
One of the main theses of the Marienthal study was that prolonged unemployment leads to a state of apathy in which the victims do not utilize any longer even the few opportunities left to them. The vicious cycle between reduced opportunities and reduced level of aspiration has remained the focus of all subsequent discussions.
Marienthal: The Sociography of an Unemployed Community