Jorge Brum do Canto
1910 - 1990A Canção da Terra
Jorge Brum do Canto
José Celestino, Óscar de Lemos
In Porto Santo, a small island next to Madeira the drought rages and Gonçalves, a local farmer, tries to overcome the catastrophe, with the help of Bastiana, whom he dearly loves. João Venâncio, who refuses to share the water of his field, tries to steal her heart. One day Gonçalves decides to fight for his beloved, beating violently Venâncio in front of an enthusiastic crowd.
The Song of the Earth

Jorge Brum do Canto
Jorge Brum do Canto, Jacinto Ramos
From the military planning to front-line operations of discover conquest of Mozambique by the Portuguese, to counter the Vatuas insurgency of 1894, when they were led by Gungunhana, a cunning strong African leader. Against the background of Marracuene, Coolela, Manjacaze, Chaimite and Macontene historical battles, two soldiers fight for the love of a coloni st's daughter.

A Dança dos Paroxismos
Jorge Brum do Canto
Jorge Brum do Canto, Machado Correia
This film tells the story of Gonthramm, a young knight who sought in vain for the Holy Grail and, on the way back to join his bride, Galeswithe, is met by Queen Banschi in the nightmarish realm of the Sylphs. Brum do Canto based the story on Charles-Marie Leconte de Lisle's Les Elfes.
The Dance of the Paroxysms

O Crime de Simão Bolandas
Jorge Brum do Canto
Manuela Maria, Rolando Alves
Maduro, D. Lourenço manages to take away Joao Bolandas, to be with the woman, Florinda, his old love, that returns that feeling to him. Simão discovers the mother's connection with D. Lourenço and, from then on, only one desire guides him: to kill Florinda's lover.
O Crime de Simão Bolandas

João Ratão
Jorge Brum do Canto
Óscar de Lemos, Maria Domingas
João Ratão is one of many young Portuguese soldiers fighting in Flandres, France, during World War I. Back home, he now needs to fight for the love Vitória, to whom he sent love letters from France... written by a fellow soldier. João Ratão is illiterate.
João Ratão

Retalhos da Vida de Um Médico
Jorge Brum do Canto
Irene Cruz, Ruy Furtado
João Eduardo, a young inexperienced doctor, takes up work in a village. The initial skepticism from the community gives place to esteem for the new physician after some well succeeded cases.
Retalhos da Vida de Um Médico

Um Homem às Direitas
Jorge Brum do Canto
Barreto Poeira, Julieta Castelo
The confrontation of two different temperaments: Figueiredo, a hard-working shopkeeper; his brother-in-law, José, disorderly and wasteful, heir to a family with noble titles but poor. Figueiredo tries to rescue José from this path of perversion that had led him to invest in an attempted theft, followed by a frustrated murder and seduction ...
Um Homem às Direitas

Fátima, Terra de Fé
Jorge Brum do Canto
Barreto Poeira, Graça Maria
Having abandoned his family due to religious differences, Dr Silveira moves to Coimbra, where he dedicates himself to his patients, and rejecting any attempts at reconciliation. But, when a terrible accident happens to his son, he must seek a resolution to the debate between faith and science.
Fátima Terra de Fé!