Olivier Jean-Marie
2021Oggy et les cafards
Olivier Jean-Marie
Ever since the world was born, two forces have been locked in perpetual battle. Their struggle is so Manichean, so ferocious, so Herculean that it makes the clash between good and evil look like a game of checkers! This ancestral duel is so ancient and so merciless that it can only be, Oggy against the Cockroaches!
Oggy and the Cockroaches: The Movie

Go West: A Lucky Luke Adventure
Olivier Jean-Marie
Lambert Wilson, Clovis Cornillac
The Daltons have escaped to New York, where their accumulated loot is hidden in the carts of Monsieur Pierre's group of honest, naive European immigrants, who naively bought land in California from Crook, who inserted a clause they must claim it within 80 days. Joe emotionally blackmails Luke to guide them there, hoping to escape on the way. The usual route must shortened from 6 to 2 months, so no danger can be avoided. Given Lucky's reputation, Crook decides to shadow them to add sabotage, just to be sure- or is it?
Go West: A Lucky Luke Adventure