Maite Ruiz de Austri
2021She was one of the founding members of the Association of Women Filmmakers [es] (CIMA) that was created to "give a boost to the role of women in film, especially in jobs of responsibility. She is a member of the Academy of Sciences and Cinematographic Arts of Spain.
The Legend of the North Wind
Maite Ruiz de Austri, Juan Bautista Berasategi
Damián Velasco, Chelo Vivares
To get his hands on a valuable pod of whales, a 17th-century European daredevil in Newfoundland foolishly attempts to release the powers of the mythical North Wind, who was trapped in a pot thanks to a shared effort by Basque sailors and Mi'kmaq Indians. Now, the descendant of those Indian, Watuna, and the descendants of those Basque sailors, Ane and Peiot, must defeat the evil Athanasius before he achieve his purpose.
The Legend of the North Wind

El extraordinario viaje de Lucius Dumb
Maite Ruiz de Austri
Animation film about Human Rights of Children to a younger audience in a dynamic and entertaining. A story about the values, need and equal justice in the first years of life, when it's necessary to have someone to fight for them.
The extraordinary journey of Lucius Dumb

La leyenda del unicornio
Maite Ruiz de Austri
Based on the musical by Javier Munoz and Diego Izola. In a quiet fishing village, all adults have to put to sea. When parents go, a whole series of terrors and monsters attack children. To add to the confusion appears the terrible unicorn whose breeding is gone and blames plunging fishermen in seabed.
La leyenda del unicornio

Animal Channel
Maite Ruiz de Austri
Pilar Ferrero, Anselmo Herrero
The stork Cathy and the mouse Nicholas, was forced to close the theater where they work for living. With the courage and imagination that characterize them, our friends are used as intrepid reporters of a new television channel run by Big Mouse. Soon realize they need a program that launched to stardom. It will not be easy.
Animal Channel

El Tesoro del Rey Midas
Maite Ruiz de Austri
Pilar Ferrero, Alberto Escobal García
Katy the stork, Nico the mouse and Lorri the parrot, intrepid reporters for the Animal Channel, receive bad news while enjoying a well-deserved vacation: it seems that two reporters from the network working deep in the jungle are in trouble.
The Treasure of King Midas