Jennifer Montgomery
2021Age 12: Love with a Little L
Jennifer Montgomery
Nina Fonoroff, Robin Guarino
This film is depicts early lesbian sexuality, using reenacted scenes from the experience of a 12-year old girl as the platform for a meditation on forbidden desire, transgression, and Lacanian psychoanalytic concepts of identity formation. Raw adolescent memories counterpoint staged scenes, exploring mechanisms of power and submission.
Age 12: Love with a Little L

Jennifer Montgomery
Jennifer is doubly challenged--as a professional journalist, she's trapped on a pleasure boat with Russian ultra-nationalist and macho pig Vladimir Zhirinovsky, conducting an interview which turns into a battle of wills. At home, her lesbian lover teases and insults her relentlessly. Weaving together scenes that present encounters with both characters, the story reveals their unlikely similarity by employing a dispassionate style that renders each power play more insidious.

Art for Teachers of Children
Jennifer Montgomery
Caitlin Grace McDonnell, Bryan Keane
Jennifer, an intelligent but insecure 14-year-old student at a boarding school, seduces her married dormitory counselor, a photographer who has offered to teach her about his art and winds up shooting her in the nude. She is naive, and he manipulates her into an affair that eventually is discovered. Years later, as the photographer is being investigated by the FBI, the adult woman remembers her first love as a case of herself watching the artist who watched her.
Art for Teachers of Children

The Deadman
Peggy Ahwesh, Keith Sanborn
Jennifer Montgomery, Scott Shat
Made in collaboration with Keith Sanborn, The Deadman is based on a story by Bataille, charting "the adventures of a near-naked heroine who sets in motion a scabrous free-form orgy before returning to the house to die — a combination of elegance, raunchy defilement and barbaric splendor." — Jonathan Rosenbaum, Chicago Reader.
The Deadman

The Genius
Emily Breer, Joe Gibbons
Joe Gibbons, Karen Finley
A ramshackle underground SF satire set and shot in the self-absorbed art world of lower Manhattan, written, produced, and directed by Joe Gibbons, who also plays one of the lead parts. Gibbons plays a mad scientist who's developed a technique for transferring personalities from one person's body to another; he becomes obsessed with an outlaw artist (played by performance artist Karen Finley) who destroys paintings in various galleries as a form of anarchist, anticapitalist protest.
The Genius

Jennifer Montgomery
Jennifer Montgomery, Peggy Ahwesh
Like a generation of viewers, I was profoundly affected by Deliverance. But I have always been troubled by the hegemonic structures of gender proposed by Boorman and Dickey. Hence, my version is played by women: myself, Peggy Ahwesh, Jackie Goss, Su Friedrich, and Meredith Root, all experimental filmmakers who work as academics. While faithful to our respective male characters, we also play ourselves. -- Jennifer Montgomery