Tonino De Bernardi
1937 (87 лет)La strada nel bosco
Tonino De Bernardi
Filippo Timi, Antonella Paolini
This film tells three different love stories, or alleged love stories, or, nevertheless, stories of sentimental relationships set in the Lazio countryside, Rome, and Naples. This is the reiteration - in different days and in different places - of an encounter among three people that (perhaps) may turn out to be fatal.
The Way in the Woods

Marlene de Sousa
Tonino De Bernardi
Betty Faria, Filippo Timi
Betty, a famous brasilian 'telenovelas' star, is in search of her twin sister Marlene, who vanished when the kids were four years old (Marlene is now a prostitute). Fragments of other stories, like that of an italian traveller Filippo who left in Italy Giuli, pregnant, and claims to have a split-personality, are inter-twined with the main one
Marlene de Sousa

Tonino De Bernardi
Mariella Navale, Pia Epremian
The construction of the film is very simple. Most of the time we see faces in close-up. Three pairs of faces, usually, on three different levels of superimpositions. At first, the faces are very theatrical, made-up. It's not clear whether they are men or women. They move only slightly. They are, indeed, godlike. As the film progresses, very unnoticeably, these faces begin to gain more life and masculine and feminine qualities. At the end of the film, after three hours, the faces are very real, and very human, and sexes and ages are very clearly defined: men, women, children.

Jour et nuit, delle donne e degli uomini perduti
Tonino De Bernardi
Lou Castel, Joana Preiss
Portraits of women, stories from their past and their present as prostitutes working between Italy and France (and Brazil). Women who used to think they were lost, and men just as lost as them.
Jour et nuit, delle donne e degli uomini perduti

Age Is...
Stephen Dwoskin
Antoine Barraud, Gilles Bénardeau
Stephen Dwoskin’s final film is a meditation on the subjective experience and cultural concepts of ageing. The film is an ode to the texture, the beauty, the singularity of aging faces and silhouettes, a hypnotic poem in the Dwoskin meaning of the term which is long observations of very tiny details. A gesture, a pause, a look, a moment. Throughout his films intimacy has always played a leading role and this is also true for Age is..., all the faces being close friends, or close friends relatives and sometimes even Stephen himself.
Age Is...

Tonino De Bernardi
Filippo Timi, Giulietta De Bernardi
This is a story about a Neapolitan guy, Antonello, immigrant in Turin, who, for a living, hooks on the street as Rosatigre. Sasà, a friend of his, tries to bring him back to Naples, but, after a tortured decision, Antonello chooses to come back North and to keep living “on the street”.

Serva e padrona
Tonino De Bernardi
Véronique Bouteille, Eugenia Capizzano
Three young women at home, the eye of the camera doesn't leave them for a moment and shows them first in a narrow kitchen, then in a small bathroom in front of a mirror, then in a bare living room where they spend part of the evening. The three are the mistress of the house and her servants, and the film is clearly based on Les Bonnes by Genet. The servants pretend to unite to varying degrees against their mistress, and she, in turn, pretends to be a mistress who doesn't give explicit orders but who makes herself admired anyway. Each one of them plays the part that is most congenial to her.
Mistress and Maid

Iolanda tra bimba e corsara
Tonino De Bernardi
Caterina De Bernardi, Giulietta De Bernardi
Adventure of children and adults, fancied trips and everyday tragedies. The city and the countryside. Real and dreamt life. An experimental film inspired to the life of Emilio Salgari and his novel Yolanda, daughter of the Black Corsair. The movie is part of a series produced by Quarto Film on the 150th anniversary of Salgari's birth.
Iolanda, Child and Corsair

Gérard Courant
Gérard Courant, Alain-Alcide Sudre
Cinématon is a 156-hour long experimental film by French director Gérard Courant. It was the longest film ever released until 2011. Composed over 36 years from 1978 until 2006, it consists of a series of over 2,821 silent vignettes (cinématons), each 3 minutes and 25 seconds long, of various celebrities, artists, journalists and friends of the director, each doing whatever they want for the allotted time. Subjects of the film include directors Barbet Schroeder, Nagisa Oshima, Volker Schlöndorff, Ken Loach, Benjamin Cuq, Youssef Chahine, Wim Wenders, Joseph Losey, Jean-Luc Godard, Samuel Fuller and Terry Gilliam, chess grandmaster Joël Lautier, and actors Roberto Benigni, Stéphane Audran, Julie Delpy and Lesley Chatterley. Gilliam is featured eating a 100-franc note, while Fuller smokes a cigar. Courant's favourite subject was a 7-month-old baby. The film was screened in its then-entirety in Avignon in November 2009 and was screened in Redondo Beach, CA on April 9, 2010.

Piccoli orrori
Tonino De Bernardi
Iaia Forte, Galatea Ranzi
A woman in her flooded kitchen thinks of Ophelia and death by drowning. A nun wonders about her vocation. A girl, dumb by choice, walks around in Naples. A ballerina in a wheelchair. Three youths around a bonfire in a little island. A man secluded in a tower waiting for the end of the world. And many other stories.
Little Horrors

Tonino De Bernardi
Anna Bonaiuto, Inês de Medeiros
Pina was born in Portugal but now lives in poor circumstances in Naples. Pina has two daughters, Rosa, who has been wearing a wedding dress since she was left stranded at the altar several years ago, and Caterina, who murdered a man who wronged her as he left the church following his wedding. Caterina winds up in prison alongside Maddalena, a prostitute who witnessed the murder and was inspired to kill a man in her own life who had hurt her. The incidents from these women's lives are interspersed with another story, set in 1929 and filmed in black-and-white, about a man who shoots his wife in a movie theater and must run to avoid the police.