Alexey Saltykov
1934 - 1993My Friend, Kolka!
Alexey Saltykov, Aleksandr Mitta
Aleksandr Kobozev, Anna Rodionova
Pupils of the ordinary high school organize a “secret society” under the motto “Help the offended and weak, avenge widers and upstarts!” The new pioneer leader supports the children, and soon he manages to make the school life of the children truly fascinating.
My Friend, Kolka!

Alexey Saltykov
Nikolai Gubenko, Svetlana Zhgun
The end of the civil war. A sailor Alexey Zvorykin is appointed Director of the automobile plant. After training in America at Ford he finishes release of the first Soviet lorry and personally takes part in the international motor rally in Sands of Kara-Kuma which is won by our car.

Емельян Пугачев
Alexey Saltykov
Yevgeni Matveyev, Vija Artmane
Don Cossack Emelyan Pugachev says goodbye to his wife and children and goes to run. The elder Filaret blesses him to lead a rebellion under the name of Peter III of Russia. The insurgents dealt with the feudal lords cruelly. Queen Catherine the Great directs troops against the rioters. Traitors betray Emelyan, and now he is being transported across Russia in an iron cage.

Alexey Saltykov
Valeriya Zaklunnaya, Yevgeni Matveyev
Молодой инженер Мария Одинцова — руководитель, секретарь райкома небольшого района, который начинает приобретать важное хозяйственное значение: здесь решено строить крупную ГЭС. Конфликт героини с начальником строительства возникает из-за различного отношения к возможностям использования и сохранения природных богатств.
The Siberian Woman

Возврата нет
Alexey Saltykov
Nonna Mordyukova, Vladislav Dvorzhetsky
According to the story of the same name by Anatoli Kalinin. The love story of Antonina and the battalion commander Nikitin, whom she sheltered after a severe wound. Antonina Kashirina is wanted to be excluded from the party, accusing the Don Cossack woman living in the territory occupied by the Germans during the war. They don't believe that she hid and treated a wounded Soviet officer. Unable to withstand insulting suspicions, she leaves the party committee bureau. On the way home, Tonya recalls how she picked up a bleeding artillery — the battalion commander Nikitin, she hid him and treated him as she fell in love...
No Return

Семья Ивановых
Alexey Saltykov
Nonna Mordyukova, Nikolai Rybnikov
Aleksei comes to Chelyabinsk from Moscow — a young student who proclaims a free lifestyle, not constrained by everyday hard labor. Aleksei falls in love with a young singer Lyudmila, the daughter of hereditary workers. When a Moscow student enters the family of noble steelworkers — people who are proud of their working roots, his self-identity changes. From now on, to Aleksei idleness already seems shameful, and idleness is shameful. To be worthy of such highly respected people as the Ivanov family, Aleksei goes to work as a steelworker.
The Ivanov Family

Крик дельфина
Alexey Saltykov
Ivars Kalniņš, Donatas Banionis
The crew of the new American strategic missile submarine "Archelon" is struck by an unknown virus. The command must decide on removing the submarine from combat duty and sending the crew to quarantine.
Cry of a Dolphin

Бей, барабан!
Alexey Saltykov
Alexey Krychenkov, Людмила Слепнева
Первоклассник Ленька Казаков и молодой рабочий Митька Лбач организовывают на Красной Пресне первый пионерский отряд и называют его Всемирным союзом юных пролетариев. Попав в детдом, Ленька начинает налаживать советскую власть среди беспризорников. Первый выпуск газеты «Барабан» обеспечил юному борцу за правое дело настоящих друзей и настоящих врагов…
Bang, Drum!

Господин Великий Новгород
Alexey Saltykov
Oleg Strizhenov, Zinaida Kirienko
Август 1941 года. Новгород готовится к обороне. Крайне важно спасти музейные, культурные ценности, гигантские колокола Софийской звонницы. Получив приказ оставить город, горком уходит в подполье и разворачивает партизанское движение. Гитлеровцы намерены уничтожить Новгород, и для этой цели направляют туда баржу с тротилом…
Господин Великий Новгород

И был вечер, и было утро
Alexey Saltykov
Yuri Kamornyj, Aleksandr Kaydanovskiy
Историко-революционная драма по мотивам пьесы Бориса Лавренева «Разлом», рассказывающая об участии моряков Балтийского флота в революционных событиях 1917 года.
And There Was Evening, And There Was Morning