Konrad Tom
1887 - 1957Kiedy kobieta zdradza meza
Konrad Tom, Hans Otto Löwenstein
Józef Wegrzyn, Kazimiera Niewiarowska
When Professor Horski learns that his wife has published a volume of novellas under his name entitled "Wife" he feels compromised and is angered at her. But as he reads them, he finds that they are great. Also, he reads in them a warning to himself: one should not neglect one's wife for the sake of academic work. The film is considered to be lost.
Kiedy kobieta zdradza męża

Joseph Green, Konrad Tom
Molly Picon, Max Bozyk
Mamele embraces the entire gamut of interwar Jewish life in Lodz--tenements and unemployed Jews, nightclubs and gangsters, religious Jews celebrating sukkot--but the film belongs to Molly Picon who romps undaunted through her dutiful daughter role saving siblings, keeping the family intact, singing and acting her way through the stages of a woman's life from childhood to old age.

Konrad Tom, Stanisław Szebego
Eugeniusz Bodo, Karolina Lubieńska
Staying at a fancy resort, Wladyslawa Majewska is mistaken as a male guest when she is dressed in a skiing outfit. The manager offers her, thinking she is a he, a job as a dancer to entertain the unescorted ladies who frequent the hotel. Wladyslawa goes along with the offer, and keeps the old ladies dancing but falls in love with the best-looking male guest in the process, who thinks she is a man.
The Little Prince

Pani minister tańczy
Juliusz Gardan
Tola Mankiewiczówna, Aleksander Żabczyński
The action takes place in a fictional country. One day the head of the Ministry of Public Morality is Susan, whose greatest misfortune is to have a twin sister. Twin sister is actress and cabaret revue, which performance and behavior discredits the minister.
Pani minister tańczy

Antek policmajster
Michał Waszyński
Adolf Dymsza, Antoni Fertner
Антек Круль, шустрый парень, продавец кроликов на Варшавском рынке, невинно подозреваемый в антигосударственной деятельности и обвиняемый в свержении царского самодержавия — убегает из зала суда и прячется в вагоне поезда, в котором едет важный чиновник жандармерии в качестве нового полицмейстера провинциального городка. Напившись в дороге водки, полицмейстер крепко засыпает в своём купе. На станции, во время осмотра поезда жандармами, Антек, воспользовавшись случаем, переодевается в его мундир. По стечению обстоятельств, в городишке его принимают за нового полицмейстера, брата министра и очень важную особу…
Antek policmajster