Georg C. Klaren
2021Ruf aus dem Äther
G.W. Pabst, Georg C. Klaren
Oskar Werner, Fritz Imhoff
A smugglers gang is active on the Austrian-Swiss border. Until now, no one has come to their attention. But one day a little girl gets seriously ill and needs medical attention; the young operator will forget that he has to be careful and calls for help through the secret channel.
Call Over the Air

Georg C. Klaren
Kurt Meisel, Helga Zülch
While an anatomy seminar prepares to examine the cadaver of Franz Wozzeck in the name of scientific progress, medical student Büchner excoriates humanity for having allowed Wozzeck’s fate. The tragic story unfolds in flashbacks, as Büchner narrates.

Die Sonnenbrucks
Georg C. Klaren
Eduard von Winterstein, Maly Delschaft
Professor Sonnenbruck is a scientist who is not particularly interested in politics. Even the meeting in 1943 with his former assistant Peters does not change him. He does not betray Peters, who has escaped from a concentration camp, but that is already enough for him. But after the war Sonnenrbruck gets into a conflict of conscience. He thought that science was finally free of politics again only to find the opposite happening at his university in Göttingen. A medical congress in the GDR brings him together with Peters, who is working on a major research contract there. Sonnenbruck decides to visit Peters.
The Sonnenbrucks

Die Regimentstochter
Günther Haenel, Georg C. Klaren
Aglaja Schmid, Robert Lindner
По мотивам одноименной комической оперы итальянского композитора Г.Доницетти. Положенные в основу фильма события происходили в Тироле в начале XIX века. Это рассказ о молодой девушке, которая с детских лет считается дочерью полка и всему на свете предпочитает свободную и независимую жизнь маркитантки.
Die Regimentstochter