Valentin Kozachkov
1934 - 2012Среди серых камней
Kira Muratova
Igor Sharapov, Oksana Shlapak
A judge is devastated after the death of his wife and is neglectful of his children. His son befriends the children of a street beggar who live in an abandoned, derelict church. After his experience with his new friends, the young boy begins to feel sorry for his father and sympathizes with his loneliness.
Among Grey Stones

Valentin Kozachkov
Dzhozhef Rusnak, Sergei Rozhevenko
In Krasnodar district, during the first years after World War II, a detective story - in which a group of children from a southern seaside town help to neutralize a gang of ruthless thieves - emerges out of young Shurka's discovery of a headless, toy riding horse in a water cave wherein he had taken shelter from a sudden storm separately from his friends with whom he had been swimming in the once mine-infested coastal waters.

Сочинение ко дню победы
Sergey Ursulyak
Oleg Efremov, Vyacheslav Tikhonov
On the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, three old wartime friends reunite in Moscow. But they don’t get a chance to sit and recall their long-forgotten exploits. Chairman of the Veterans Foundation Kilovatov (O. Yefremov) is accused of dealings with the criminal world and put behind the bars. Former dissident Morgulis (V. Tikhonov), now residing abroad, and participant of protest rallies Dyakov (M. Ulyanov) organize the release of their friend from prison. Confronted with the cruelty of their enemies who masterminded the arrest of their wartime buddy, our heroes involve mafia and security service in the release operation, and then decide to hijack a plane.
An Essay on Victory Day

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Valentin Kozachkov
Viktor Semyonov, Taysia Dodina
Иван Елкин после окончания мореходного училища получает в командование... маленький буксир «Геркулес», вернее, его команду. Как водится, новичка встречают настороженно, но вскоре энергичному и принципиальному капитану удается завоевать авторитет и уважение личного состава «Геркулеса».
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Ребёнок к ноябрю
Aleksandr Pavlovskiy
Larisa Shakhvorostova, Larisa Udovichenko
Dasha thirty years, she was finally disappointed in men and wants to bring child into world from a very handsome guy with good genes. She succeeded to search a firm in that rendered similar services, but from this undertaking nothing went out. During the searches of donor Dasha meets with a good, cute fellow, specialist on repair of televisions. He falls in love in Dasha, but her it seems to that a fellow not fully conforms to her requirements.
A Child by November

Товарищ песня
Valentin Kozachkov
Nina Alisova, Василий Лановой
Киноальманах состоит из трёх новелл, посвящённых песне. "Песня-пароль". В оккупированный фашистами город направляется лейтенант Марченко, чтобы через связную передать подпольщикам кошёлку со взрывателями. Песня-пароль помогает разведчикам найти друг друга. "Песня о матери". Работающие в далёкой Африке лётчики Игорь и Виктор однажды записывают на магнитофон песню о матери. А вскоре во время эпидемии Игорь погибает. И Виктор в память о друге передает его матери записанную ими пленку. "Песня на рассвете". Студент Сергей посвятил любимой девушке Вале сочинённую им "Песню на рассвете". Валя тогда не поняла чувств Сергея и вышла замуж за его друга. Сергей уезжает. Проходят годы. Личная жизнь Вали не задалась. И теперь она часто вспоминает милую сердцу песенку Сергея.
Товарищ песня