Simcha Jacobovici
1953 (71 год)Quest For The Lost Tribes
Simcha Jacobovici, Elliott Halpern
Simcha Jacobovici
Join Emmy-winning filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici on a globe-spanning search for the lost tribes of Israel. The mystery of the lost tribes of Israel reverberates through three millennia of human experience. Of the twelve tribes mentioned in the Bible, only those of Judah and Benjamin survived the Assyrian capture of Israel. The fate of the other ten tribes has puzzled and provoked scholars ever since.
Quest For The Lost Tribes

Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream
Stuart Samuels, Simcha Jacobovici
R. H. Thomson, Neal Gabler
This film discusses the effect on how major American films in Hollywood were influenced by the Eastern European Jewish culture that most of the major movie moguls who controlled the studios shared. Through clips of various films, the filmmakers illustrate the dominant themes like that of the outsider, the outspoken American patriotism, and rooting for the underdog in society.
Hollywoodism: Jews, Movies and the American Dream

Enslaved with Samuel L Jackson
Simcha Jacobovici
Сэмюэл Леброн Джексон, Simcha Jacobovici
What happened to the 12 million Africans stolen from their homes? Piecing together the untold story of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, a global business that thrived for centuries.
Enslaved with Samuel L Jackson

The Lost Tomb Of Jesus
Simcha Jacobovici
Mark Caven, James D. Tabor
Academy Award winning director James Cameron and Emmy Award winning investigative journalist Simcha Jacobovici have joined forces and produced a documentary film claiming to have identified the tomb and physical remains of Jesus of Nazareth.
The Lost Tomb Of Jesus

James Brother of Jesus
David Newland, Simcha Jacobovici
As seen on Discovery Channel - This groundbreaking investigation looks to determine whether a burial box containing the writing "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus" is one of the most important archeological discoveries ever made or just an elaborate hoax.
James Brother of Jesus

The Lost Tomb Of Jesus: A Critical Look
Simcha Jacobovici, James D. Tabor
Following the March 4, 2007, airing of The Lost Tomb of Jesus on the Discovery Channel, American journalist Ted Koppel aired a program entitled The Lost Tomb of Jesus—A Critical Look, whose guests included the director Simcha Jacobovici, James Tabor, Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte who served as a consultant and advisor on the documentary, Jonathan Reed, Professor of Religion at the University of LaVerne and co-author of Excavating Jesus Beneath the Stones, Behind the Text, and William Dever, an archaeologist with over 50 years experience in Middle Eastern archaeological digs.
The Lost Tomb Of Jesus: A Critical Look