Philip Gardiner
2021Living Forever
Philip Gardiner
Lee Howell, Simon Oliver
For millennia, mankind has sought the mythical substance known as the "Elixir of Life". The allure of immortality has changed the course of world power. Shocking new research reveals a clandestine secret hidden for centuries.
Living Forever

An Artificial Reality
Philip Gardiner
Razor Keeves, Simon Oliver
We live an illusionary existence in a world filled with lies. We remain in a perpetual state of delusion. Our perception of reality has been corrupted. Big Brother knows everything, manipulates our emotions, manipulates how we think and controls the masses. We willingly allowed it because we desired it. We have become one with the machine. It’s our ultimate nightmare, and it’s about to get much worse. We will no longer be human. This is your future, an artificial reality.
An Artificial Reality

Ancient Code: Are You Ready for the Real 2012?
Philip Gardiner
Directed by Philip Gardiner. Espousing a shared philosophy that emphasizes the connectedness of all living things and the divinity of nature, a group of thinkers posits that the answers to today's problems can be found in an ancient code that lies within us all.
Ancient Code: Are You Ready for the Real 2012?

Social Media Apocalypse
Philip Gardiner
Paul Cook, Gordon Rife
Today billions of people walk around like living zombies, glued to their mobile devices. They post pictures of their latest everyday outings or selfies of themselves living some exciting life that is in reality a lie. Social media can inform and enlighten but can also manipulate, control and destroy innocent people. It is changing humanity and is the new master of our daily lives but some are calling it a virtual prison that we willingly engage in while oblivious to the sinister agenda behind the technology. Utilized by corporations and political factions to spy and collect information on our lives in an attempt to sway the public toward an ulterior agenda. Social media is changing the face of the planet, we are becoming slaves to a technology master.
Social Media Apocalypse

Angels, Demons and Freemasons: The True Conspiracy
O.H. Krill
Philip Gardiner
Within every religion and every State there lurks an underground stream controlling and manipulating those in power. Great knowledge was fostered and hidden by these groups. Wars and revolutions were carefully planned and orchestrated by a Universal Brotherhood. The knowledge and power of these people would be deemed sacred and protected. Whether it was practical methods of survival such as navigation and measurement or inner psychological and spiritual wisdom, it would become the foundation for secret societies the world over. This is the story of the groups who have guarded this sacred knowledge for centuries. Featuring cutting edge CGI and never before seen footage of Freemason Lodges and the mysterious Rosslyn Chapel. Special guest George Knapp author of "Hunt for the Skinwalker."
Angels, Demons and Freemasons: The True Conspiracy

Knights Templar: Rise and Fall
Philip Gardiner
Eons ago, an enigmatic group of warrior monks made history. In the 21st Century we are still looking back upon their history and mystery with wonder and speculation. They are linked to the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant and even the bloodline of Jesus Christ. They discovered a shocking artifact buried deep beneath the Temple of Solomon and held mankind's greatest secret of all by banding together to protect it for centuries, they are the Knights Templar.
Knights Templar: Rise and Fall

Robin Hood: The Truth Behind Hollywood's Most Filmed Legend
Philip Gardiner
In this film, best-selling author and award-winning filmmaker Philip Gardiner, goes on an amazing journey into the heart of the timeless tale of the Hooded Man. He travels back thousands of years and unlocks the mystery and the myth. This film was shot on location in Sherwood Forest, England which is the very same place that Robin Hood and his band are said to have called their headquarters. Gardiner is joined by a cast of real life outlaws including the present day Robin Hood and Maid Marion.
Robin Hood: The Truth Behind Hollywood's Most Filmed Legend

1984: The New World Order
Chris Turner
David Icke, Michael Tsarion
1984: The New World Order chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and worldview of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military, and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks, and financial crisis within the world economy. Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect; the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein every man, woman, and child is microchipped? The New World Order is upon us - preserve your liberty by being prepared!
1984: The New World Order

Life After Death: Quantum Realms
Philip Gardiner
Philip Gardiner
Tens of thousands of years ago man stood upright; looked around and discovered existence. He was suddenly conscious of himself and the universe. And soon he needed to explain everything he saw and experienced. He embarked on a journey of discovery so profound it gave rise to the religions of the globe and even modern science. What is the meaning of life; is there life after death; and is there a God? These were the most fundamental questions anybody has ever dared to ask. Today, after thousands of years of searching and the development of modern science, we are moving closer to the answers than ever before. What we have discovered is that existence in the macro world matches that of the micro world. As it is above, so it is below and this understanding unlocks the answers we are searching for. Through quantum physics we can now finally look upon the face of God and see the meaning of existence.
Life After Death: Quantum Realms

Gateways to the Other World: Quantum Mind of God, Part 2
Philip Gardiner
Philip Gardiner
This provides answer to the most profound question mankind has been asking himself for as long as there has been consciousness - is there life after death?
Gateways to the Other World: Quantum Mind of God, Part 2

Secret Societies
Philip Gardiner
Philip Gardiner
Philip Gardiner has spent his life on a crusade uncovering the truth behind myths, legends and ancient mysteries. In Secret Societies, Gardiner's quest is to uncover truths and secrets of the world's most powerful men in history. Gardiner delves into a world that is formidably hidden from our eyes and finds himself in situations that seem to mirror the fictional world of the Da Vinci Code. Discover the core of the 'Secret Societies' belief systems. Explore the secret origins of Freemasonry and the links to Serpent Cults. Examine the actual members of the "Illuminati," analyze the history of the group in Europe and America.
Secret Societies

Ghost Attack on Sutton Street: Poltergeists and Paranormal Entities
Philip Gardiner
Expert Ghost Hunters from Haunted Events UK search for life-after death in the notoriously haunted Old Street Market of Sutton Town in historic old Englad. The area is so haunted that within minutes the investigation's medium is contacted by not one, but four spirits. The night becomes so frightening that the hunt is called off, but not before one final terrifying incident. Prepare yourselves for the most shocking Ghost Hunt ever recorded.
Ghost Attack on Sutton Street: Poltergeists and Paranormal Entities