Jan Haft
2021Heimat Natur
Jan Haft
Benno Fürmann
Home is where we grow up or settle permanently. And this home is always shaped by nature. Today, we human beings change and shape this more than any law of nature. HEIMAT NATUR is a visually stunning journey through the nature of our homeland, from the peaks of the Alps to the coasts and the depths of the North and Baltic Seas. In between is a cinematic foray through steaming forests, shimmering moors, over rose-blossoming heaths and the colorful cultural landscape around our villages and towns. In extraordinary images this nature is shown from its most beautiful side, examining the state of the native habitats. Slow-motion and time-lapse photography as well as intimate shots of familiar and unfamiliar species, some filmed for the first time, making the film a cinematic nature experience for the whole family.
Homeland Nature

Jan Haft
The Norwegian fjords are among the most impressive landscapes in Europe. In the deep, cold waters lies a surprisingly rich underwater world: from vast coral reefs full of luminous sea creatures to herring orcas and humpback whales. The prize-winning nature filmmaker Jan Haft reveals the special and enchanting richness hidden in the dark water. In the deep fjords, animals and plants survive in a fascinating society that is being portrayed for the first time. Fjord is an intimate portrait of a unique wilderness.

Das grüne Wunder - Unser Wald
Jan Haft
Benno Fürmann
It covers thirty percent of the Earth’s land mass and yet, most of us barely scratch the surface. Now, discover what few people have seen, as The Green Planet follows the stories of forest inhabitants, from graceful red deer to cunning foxes and impressive wild boar. With cutting edge technology, we also explore some of the more bizarre and wonderful forest dwellers: the purple emperor, liverworts, stag beetles and corydalis. See flowers bloom and blades of grass cut through the snow; Spend time in a foxes den with her new born cubs and follow tiny insects and creatures with microscopic detail.
The Green Planet

Magie der Moore
Jan Haft
Axel Milberg
Действия фильма повествуют о живности и растительности населяющей территории Германии. Как тот или иной вид влияет на окружающую его среду обитания. А также приоткрывает завесу тайны почему люди с давних времен боялись болот.
Magie der Moore

Die Nordsee - Unser Meer
Christina Karliczek, Thoralf Grospitz
The North Sea, the largest sea on our doorstep, has many faces: wide tidal environments, high dunes, flat holms and rugged coastlines. Its beaches attract every season not only tourists but also countless seals. And beneath the cool sea surface hides a varied and fascinating underwater world: whether majestic basking before the chalk cliffs of Dover or combative gray seals on the beach of Helgoland, whether mighty squid on the Dutch Oosterschelde, or creepy Greenland shark in the Fjords of Norway.
The North Sea - Our sea

Magisches Island - Leben auf der größten Vulkaninsel der Welt
Jan Haft
Sebastian Winkler
In Iceland, volcanoes line up like pearls on a string. In the mountains and valleys the ground boils. It smokes, hisses and bubbles. Although rising from the sea as a bare lava island, life thrives on Iceland's volcanic slopes. Whether in icy heights or abysmal crevasses that tell of the fact that the earth is tearing apart here, between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates - Iceland is a natural paradise. Magical Iceland: Living on the World's Largest Volcanic Island is a testament to the island's unexpected biodiversity and spectacular landscapes, both above and below the water.
Magical Iceland: Living on the World's Largest Volcanic Island

Göttervögel, Galgenvögel - Geschichten von Kolkrabe & Co.
Jan Haft
Joachim Höppner
There are numerous myths and legends surrounding the common raven. Everyone knows Wilhelm Busch's "Hans Huckebein" or the fable of the fox and the raven.
Göttervögel, Galgenvögel - Geschichten von Kolkrabe & Co.

Kingdom of the Forest
Jan Haft
Sean Pertwee
"Kingdom of the Forest" explores the wildlife of Europe's primeval forests. The full range of charismatic mammals and birds are captured with fascinating insights into hunting, reproduction and other behavior. This fascinating documentary also explores the hidden elements of the woodlands using long-term time lapse, super slow motion and extreme macro-photography.
Kingdom of the Forest

Biene Majas wilde Schwestern
Jan Haft
For most people, "the bee" is the honey bee, busy producing flowers and honey and wax. But very few people know that there are more than 560 other bee species in Central Europe, most of which live as solitary creatures. The behavior of wild bees is as diverse as their appearance, size and habitat
Wild Bees and Butterflies