Jean Genet
1910 - 1986Genet parle d'Angela Davis
Carole Roussopoulos
Angela Davis, Jean Genet
In the aftermath of the arrest of Angela Davis, Jean Genet reads a text denouncing racist US policy, supporting the Black Panthers party and Angela Davis for a television show that will be completely censored.
Angela Davis Is at Your Mercy

André Malraux, l'épreuve du pouvoir
Xavier Villetard
Laurent Poitrenaux, Olivier Todd
Writer, journalist, explorer, filmmaker, communist militant, freedom fighter. Truths and lies. A plot twist. Politician. General De Gaulle's shadow. Overwhelmed by the weight of power. The numerous exploits of André Malraux (1901-1976).
André Malraux: Writer, Politician, Adventurer

Abbie Hoffman, Jean Genet
In the spring of 1970, thousands of protesters descended on New Haven to demonstrate against the trial of Black Panther members for the murder of suspected FBI informant Alex Rackley. Led by radical luminaries Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, and Tom Hayden, the demonstrators converged on the New Haven Green to vent their anger and shut Yale down. Yale President Kingman Brewster commissioned a small group of Yale students to document the demonstrations, resulting in this 22-minute black-and-white film.