Mati Kütt
2021Plekkmäe Liidi
Mati Kütt
Adults have labelled everything in this world into good and bad, useful and unnecessary. Flies, for example, are an extremely boring and unpleasant phenomena, better to be killed off. Little Lilly has decided to stand up for the flies. She even presents a scientific tractata, arguing pro and contra. In protest against her father’s activities Lilly starts a hunger strike. In result the little girl becomes even less, falls into the vacuum cleaner, from there to dump and rather perilous situations. But then, it is the flies who come among others to save the girl and a happy ending of ...
Little Lilly

Sprott võtmas päikest
Mati Kütt
An animated opera version of "Goldfish". In this modernised version of the fairy tale of the Goldilocks, everything is absurdly modern - turned upside down. It's the story of a man who lives underwater and a fish who lives above the water in the air and can grant people's wishes. The man catches the fish and starts wanting all sorts of things, but...
The Smoked Sprat Baking in the Sun