Arthur Hotaling
2021A Lucky Strike
Arthur Hotaling
Mae Hotely, Oliver Hardy
Bill is a rich miner but wants a wife. He advertises in an Eastern paper and receives a response from Nellie and Eleanor, but doesn't know it was sent as a joke. When he travels East to meet them, they have the cook pose as the writer of the response.
A Lucky Strike

Love and Duty
Will Louis, Arthur Hotaling
Oliver Hardy, Billy Ruge
Ollie is a love-struck private who is drilled by his unsympathetic lieutenant at reveille. The colonel of the regiment wants his daughter to marry the lieutenant but she has her heart set on the chubby-faced Hardy, who himself is in love with another woman. He is thrown into a cell for disobeying orders, where he later escapes with the assistance of his sweetheart, and a casual touch of assault when he bumps the guard with his large stomach. The final chase scene ends with everyone getting what they want.
Love and Duty

The Servant Girl's Legacy
Arthur Hotaling
Mabel Paige, Oliver Hardy
A serving girl receives a telegram that she has come into an inheritance. The family she works for suddenly starts to treat her well, and several young men come to court her. Then she receives another telegram telling her the inheritances is only $25. All her new 'friends' desert her, except her poor boyfriend.
The Servant Girl's Legacy

Rastus in Zululand
Arthur Hotaling
Rastus is an odd jobs man, that is he does odd jobs when he has to, but when there are a few small coins in his pocket he prefers to sleep. He is looking for a soft spot when the scene opens and the picturesque banks of a small stream attract his fancy. It is in the open sunlight, but a darkey likes warmth and he composes himself to take a nap. In his dreams he rises and makes his way down to the water from where there are always to be found cotton bales that make the finest sort of couches. But on his way along he passes a sailors' boarding house where men are being shipped for a long voyage. The trim sailor suits and the promise of good pay attract Rastus and almost before he knows it he has shipped for the cruise. He is outfitted at a slop shop, but already he is losing his nerve and he has to be driven on board by his captain. The ship is wrecked on the African east coast and Rastus is the sole survivor.
Rastus in Zululand

Rastus Among the Zulus
Arthur Hotaling
Joseph Outen
Rastus Johnson, a happy-go-lucky coon, after eating a large meal, lies down on the dock to take a nap. While he is slumbering three roughs happen along and see him, and knowing a sea captain who is in need of men to fill out his crew, they seize Rastus and shanghai him.
Rastus Among the Zulus