Marcel Perez
2021 - 1929Delenda Carthago!
Luigi Maggi
Eugenia Tettoni Fior, François-Paul Donadio
In ancient times Rome looked upon Carthage as her greatest rival, and determined to plan her downfall. Cato, a Roman Senator, appealed to the Senate to conquer Carthage, and under a pretext that she had failed to keep faith, the Romans began a new war. The Roman army embarked for Africa and landed near Carthage.
The Destruction of Carthage

Il prurito di Robinet
Marcel Perez
Marcel Perez
Fricot finds his father asleep and takes advantage of the opportunity to pour down his parent's hack a handful of itching powder. The poor man's antics in attempting to relieve himself of his distress are ludicrous and finally result in incurring the wrath of his wife and her mother, who set upon him and beat him until exhausted. To his amazement he discovers that the blows have a salutary effect and he submits to the thrashing. When the women finally leave him alone he arises well pleased, as his affliction has been overcome.
Tweedledum's Itching Powder

Amor Pedestre
Marcel Perez
Marcel Perez
The story of the meeting and falling in love of a man and a woman. The story is told by showing the characters from below the knees only. A man in smart shoes prepares to go out. His maid gives him his coat, he dusts off his shoes and leaves. As he leaves the building an elegant woman drops her purse. He returns it to her and follows her home.
Pedestrian Love

Le avventure straordinarissime di Saturnino Farandola
Luigi Maggi, Marcel Perez
Marcel Perez, Nilde Baracchi
Saturnino Farandola: Raised by monkeys, taken in by sailors, captain of a frigate. He sets off to chart unknown worlds with his loyal crew. Beneath the sea he encounters love in the person of Mysora the beautiful. On land he comes up against a mad wise man, a Machiavellian mandarin and bloodthirsty Apaches, but nothing will be able to stop his desire to explore.
The Extraordinary Adventures of Saturnino Farandola

Sweet Daddy
Marcel Perez
Marcel Perez, Dorothy Earle
Perez plays a henpecked husband who is chained at the neck by his wife in the kitchen and when he tries to stand up for himself, she throws him out of the window where he is dangling for dear life.Once she sends him to the store, Tweedy becomes smitten by a stage actress and tries to woo her with great success until his wife shows up on the scene and all hell breaks loose with cartoon gags.
Sweet Daddy