James D. Davis
Larry Semon, James D. Davis
Larry Semon, Oliver Hardy
A boxer offers $50 to anyone who can stay in the ring with him for an entire minute. Larry, through a series of mix-ups--including hitting the boxer in the face with a tomato--winds up in the ring with him but, with the aid of some strategically placed horseshoes, manages to knock the boxer out. When he comes to and finds out what happened, the outraged boxer sets out after Larry.

Lightning Love
Larry Semon, James D. Davis
Larry Semon, Oliver Hardy
The storm, which takes up most of the second reel, is a trial run for the storm sequence in The Wizard Of Oz which Semon would make in 1925. Fox released a comedy that was an exact copy of Lightning Love just before the Semon film was due to come out. Albert E. Smith noticed the similarities and on September 5, 1923 attempted to have the Fox film pulled from the exhibitors.
Lightning Love

All Wet
James D. Davis
'Snub' Pollard
In this film, Snub leaves his extremely tiny town to go live with his aunt, who he doesn't even know. He arrives at her house when she's throwing a party and she doesn't want to invite him inside...until she learns he owns an oil well. Then she encourages him to meet and become smitten with her daughter. However, Snub isn't that interested in this vamp and instead is interested in the maid. But due to their persistence, Snub finally agrees to marry the cousin--at which point the maid hatches a plan to expose the ruse and a silent comedy chase ensues.
All Wet

Mitt The Prince
James D. Davis
'Snub' Pollard
The film begins with Snub and Fat (yes, that IS the politically incorrect and cruel name given to Snub's partner in this and several other films made for the Weiss Brothers) want to make a few bucks. The film begins with them doing some maintenance sort of work--with Fat on a ladder and Snub sweeping outside. When this doesn't work out, a random stranger just happens to walk up to them and offer them HIS MOTHER'S CAR and asks them to make a delivery.
Mitt The Prince