Arzén von Cserépy
2021Fridericus Rex - 4. Teil: Schicksalswende
Arzén von Cserépy
Otto Gebühr, Eduard von Winterstein
The last part of Fridericus Rex's main focus is entirely on the battle after years of conflict with Austria, which allied itself with France and Russia finally opens against Prussia in 1756 in the Seven Years War.
Fridericus Rex - 4. Teil: Schicksalswende

Arzén von Cserépy
Antal Páger, Olga Eszenyi
Houses, now abandoned and empty, are being boarded up in Besence of the Ormányság. "Only-childism" is in fashion, due to the law that provides for the way in which landed properties are inherited. The birth of children that are "not desirable" is being prevented through illegal medical intervention, which is often responsible for the death of pregnant women. The happiness of János and Julis are also the victims of this attitude: their parents would not hear of another child.

A Gorodi fogoly
Arzén von Cserépy
Andor Ajtay, Éva Adorján
The film takes place in Russia during the World War I. Three Hungarian POWs are on the run from their Russian captives. One of them gets shot down. Lieutenant Balogh and Miska, his servant, are brought before Szergej Dragow. The Russian offers to take them on to serve him. Balogh says yes, only to attempt to escape later.
The Captive of Gorod