Mario Vargas Llosa
2021Vargas Llosa rose to international fame in the 1960s with novels such as The Time of the Hero (La ciudad y los perros, literally The City and the Dogs, 1963/1966), The Green House (La casa verde, 1965/1968), and the monumental Conversation in the Cathedral (Conversación en la catedral, 1969/1975). He writes prolifically across an array of literary genres, including literary criticism and journalism. His novels include comedies, murder mysteries, historical novels, and political thrillers. Several, such as Captain Pantoja and the Special Service (1973/1978) and Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter (1977/1982), have been adapted as feature films.
Many of Vargas Llosa's works are influenced by the writer's perception of Peruvian society and his own experiences as a native Peruvian. Increasingly, he has expanded his range, and tackled themes that arise from other parts of the world. In his essays, Vargas Llosa has made many criticisms of nationalism in different parts of the world. Another change over the course of his career has been a shift from a style and approach associated with literary modernism, to a sometimes playful postmodernism.
Like many Latin American writers, Vargas Llosa has been politically active throughout his career. While he initially supported the Cuban revolutionary government of Fidel Castro, Vargas Llosa later became disenchanted with its policies, particularly after the imprisonment of Cuban poet Heberto Padilla in 1971, and now identifies as a liberal. He ran for the Peruvian presidency in 1990 with the center-right Frente Democrático coalition, advocating classical liberal reforms, but lost the election to Alberto Fujimori. He is the person who, in 1990, "coined the phrase that circled the globe," declaring on Mexican television, "Mexico is the perfect dictatorship", a statement which became an adage during the following decade.
Vargas Llosa is also one of the 25 leading figures on the Information and Democracy Commission launched by Reporters Without Borders.
Un Filósofo en la Arena
Jesús Muñoz, Aarón Fernández
Francis Wolff, Juan Ramón de la Fuente
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A Philosopher in the Arena

Pantaleón y las visitadoras
José María Gutiérrez Santos, Mario Vargas Llosa
José Sacristán, Pancho Córdova
Pantaleón and the visitors is a peruvian film made in 1975 and based on the book of the same name by Mario Vargas Llosa. Directed by the novelist himself along with José María Gutiérrez Santos, it was released in Puerto Rico. Among its protagonists, José Sacristán, the Mexican Katy Jurado and Rosa Carmina and the Peruvian Camucha Negrete.
Pantaleón y las visitadoras

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Audrey Gordon
Natalia Dontcheva, Vincent Sacripanti
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Ramón Langa, Darío Villanueva
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El Quijote desde la platea

Mario y los perros
Chema de la Peña
Mario Vargas Llosa, Alfredo Barnechea
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Mario y los perros