Masahiro Kasai
2021冴島奈緒 異常昂奮
Masahiro Kasai
Nao Saejima, Tōru Nakane
A woman mysteriously develops psychic powers and the ability to contact spirits of the dead. Tōru, her avaricious husband, convinces the woman to hold seances, charging people money to contact their dead. When the King of Hell learns of this business, he kidnaps the wife. Attempting to rescue his wife, Tōru travels to the underworld with a Chinese monk. On the journey they encounter scenes of horror and sexual perversion.
Abnormal Excitement: Nao Saejima

ザ・忍者ウォリア-ズ くノ一戦士
Masahiro Kasai
Yuka Ônishi, Minako Fujimoto
Three cute, sexy ninjas, around the age of 20, have been in training, building their powers for some vague future threat. Their destined mission becomes apparent when a handsome ninja from 400 years past drops from the sky into the hot tub of on of the girls. He comes with news of a grave threat: an evil industrialist has apparently joined forces with UFOs to take over Japan. The only solution, it seems, lies in the special talents of the three girls - notable as much for their martial arts as their skimpy costumes.
Female Neo-Ninjas