Philippe Calderon
2021Michel Foucault par lui-même
Philippe Calderon
André Glucksmann, Maurice Clavel
A voyage to the center of the thought of Michel Foucault (1926-1984), a tireless explorer of the margins, a brilliant and atypical thinker, through excerpts from his books and lectures, and the use of images that resonate with them.
Michel Foucault par lui-même

La Citadelle Assiégée
Philippe Calderon
A look at the disastrous effects a rain flood has on a termite community (IMDb). A young couple, a king and queen termite, settle down and build a grand empire within a massive mound. When the mound suffers damage from rain, fire, and a falling branch, the scent from the termite colony is carried off by wind and catches the attention of a swarming driver ant colony led by their "black queen." Now a war is waged as ant and termite fight a battle of minuscule proportions for the survival of their very colonies (kevinxirau)..
The Besieged Fortress

George Orwell, Aldous Huxley : « 1984 » ou « Le Meilleur des mondes » ?
Caroline Benarrosh, Philippe Calderon
Bruno Paviot, Richard Blair
The story of the cross destiny of George Orwell (1903-50) and Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), the genius authors of the two most groundbreaking novels of anticipation of the 20th century: 1984 and Brave New World; two lucid witnesses of the maledictions of the modern world whose novels have found a considerable echo with our time.
Big Data, Big Brother