Chris Gore
1965 (59 лет)Movie Trailers: A Love Story
John Campea
Drew Whitfield, Adrian Askarieh
Since their creation in 1913, movie trailers and the audience have shared a special relationship that has grown and evolved as the trailers themselves have over the years. This relationship has its euphoric highs to it's frustrating lows. But like any great romance, the trailer and the audience always find their way back to each other.
Movie Trailers: A Love Story

Backyard Blockbusters
John E. Hudgens
James Cawley, Sandy Collora
For years, people have been making home movies, many times using pop culture properties that they may not own, but love. In recent years, these types of projects have come to be known as "fanfilms". Backyard Blockbusters looks at the history and influence of the fanfilm genre, as well as the copyright and fair use problems these films create, featuring highlights from and interviews with the creators of many popular films.
Backyard Blockbusters

Life After Flash
Lisa Downs
Sam J. Jones, Melody Anderson
"Life After Flash" looks at the roller coaster life of Sam J Jones since his role as Flash Gordon, his struggles and successes, and the aftermath of when he went up against one of the most powerful producers in Hollywood.
Life After Flash

Lord of the Freaks
Andrew Treglia
Josh Altman, Karen Jin Beck
"Lord of the Freaks" chronicles the bizarre enterprises of new media mogul Alki David, aka 'The Eccentric Billionaire,' a man whose extreme wealth and unusual sensibilities have resulted in an array of confounding escapades.
Lord of the Freaks

The People vs. George Lucas
Alexandre O. Philippe
Mark A. Altman, John Barger
The passion the original Star Wars trilogy inspires in its fans is unparalleled; but when it comes to George Lucas himself, many have found their ardor has cooled into a complicated love-hate relationship. This hilarious, heartfelt documentary delves deep into Lucas’s cultural legacy, asking all the tough questions. Has Lucas betrayed his masterwork? Should he just have left the original trilogy alone? Is The Phantom Menace so bad it should carry a health warning? Utilizing interviews taken from over 600 hours of footage, and peppered with extraordinary Star Wars and Indiana Jones recreations lovingly immortalized in song, needlepoint, Lego, claymation, puppets and paper-mâché, above all this film asks the question: who truly owns that galaxy far, far away—the man who created it, or the fans who worship it?
The People vs. George Lucas

Sticky: A (Self) Love Story
Nicholas Tana
Joycelyn Elders, Larry Flynt
"Sticky" is everything your mother was too embarrassed to tell you about masturbation, in one stimulating documentary. Full of candid interviews from celebrated figures to everyday people, health care professionals, sex therapists, zoologists, anthropologists, and religious figures, this feature length doc answers age-old questions like: What is masturbation? Will it make me go blind? Is it "normal"? Is it wrong? And why are we so afraid to be caught in the act? In a world where confusion about sexuality remains at the root of so many societal problems - rape, sexual abuse, and the threat of sexually transmitted diseases - "Sticky" will help shatter misconceptions and myths surrounding this intimate aspect of human sexuality.
Sticky: A (Self) Love Story

Starz Inside: In the Gutter
Jeffrey Schwarz
Scott Aukerman, David Ansen
From the moment Shakespeare wrote his first fart joke, audiences have loved gross-out humor. In this 'Starz Inside' documentary, take a trip through the history of taboo-busting comedy that began with slapstick and led to the most notorious Internet video in history, with stops at every infamous penis, poo, puke and pie gag in-between. It’s a totally uncensored look at the scenes that make you want to look away.
Starz Inside: In the Gutter

Unspeakable Horrors: The Plan 9 Conspiracy
Jose Prendes
Arielle Brachfeld, Graham Denman
An in-depth look at the hidden meanings and blistering truth buried within Ed Wood's PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, which has long been considered the worst movie ever made.
Unspeakable Horrors: The Plan 9 Conspiracy

Dead by Midnight (Y2Kill)
Jenna Kanell, Davi Crimmins
Kane Hodder, Bill Moseley
It's Halloween at local television station WKIZ when the malicious Mistress of Midnight arrives to host her annual horror movie marathon Dead by Midnight. Be careful because what she hasn't said is that those who watch will be Dead by Midnight!
Dead by Midnight (Y2Kill)