Johannes Meyer
1884 - 1972Café Paradis
Bodil Ipsen, Lau Lauritzen Jr.
Poul Reichhardt, Ingeborg Brams
Café Paradis is an award-winning Danish film made in 1950, directed by Bodil Ipsen and Lau Lauritzen Jr., and written by Johannes Allen. The film received the Bodil Award for Film of the Year, and Ib Schønberg, for what is regarded his finest performance, received the Bodil Award for Best Supporting Actor.
Café Paradis

Mine kære koner
Johan Jacobsen
Gunnar Lauring, Beatrice Bonnesen
The celebrated actor George Bergmann has four divorces behind him. When his four former wives get the impression that he is cozying up to a very young actress, they feel that they must take action. However, this leads to various misunderstandings and complications, which partly involves the former wives' new men and partly the young girl's strict parents.
My Dear Wives

Alice O'Fredericks
Grethe Thordahl, Ib Schønberg
Helga is on a farm, where she is seduced by her husband, Per Mortensen. As it turns out she is with child, she gets a tough time among local residents. They consider it the greatest shame that can befall a young, unmarried girl. Per refuses bargain to be the father of the child. Her parents can not afford to keep the baby, so she tries to go to court - without result. Fortunately, she gets a new duty station at Torpegaarden where she thrives. In particular, she has a good eye to his son on the farm, Gudmund. He also liked the young girl

Mød mig på Cassiopeia
Torben Anton Svendsen
Bodil Kjer, Hans Kurt
Komponisten John Berger er plaget af ægteskabelige problemer og kæmper med en deadline for musikken til en operette. Da han får besøg af musikkens muse Polyhymnia, begynder melodierne at flyde, men hun bliver samtidig årsag til en masse forviklinger i det jordiske liv. Hun forelsker sig, ligesom Johns kone Irene, i flyverløjtnanten Harry, mens hendes far Zeus misbilligende ser til og beslutter sig for at gribe ind. Alt imens nærmer premieren på operetten sig med hastige skridt.
Meet Me on Cassiopeia

Døden kommer til middag
Erik Balling
Poul Reichhardt, Helle Virkner
A dark evening, a crime writer Peter Sander, drives through a forest when his car runs out of petrol . A little distance from the road there is a house with lighted windows, and he goes there to borrow a phone. Suddenly he trips over a tree root and sprain one foot . He lags up the forest road . Then there is a shot, a moment after running steps. A beam cuts through the dark. It goes out . The steps moves away. Peter gets up and stomps up to the house . No one responds to his knokking.
Death Comes at High Noon