Robert Darène
2021Il suffit d'aimer
Robert Darène
Danièle Ajoret, Bernard Lajarrige
This modest, unpretentious French film is a streamlined version of the true story previously cinematized as The Song of Bernadette (1943). Daniele Ajort plays the simple 19th-century French peasant girl who insists that she has experienced a vision of the Virgin Mary. Once this sighting becomes common knowledge, Bernadette's very existence becomes a religious and political hot potato. Thousands of people flock to the grotto at Lourdes where Bernadette claims she has seen the Holy Mother, believing that the waters therein contain recuperative powers. Bernadette dies under a cloud of controversy, but is ultimately elevated to sainthood by the Vatican.
Bernadette of Lourdes

The Cage
Robert Darène
Marina Vlady
An African physician returns home after studying medicine in Paris. He marries and settles down to life in the bucolic splendor of his native land. When he has a confrontation with a white plantation owner, the white man sees red and casts a spell on the African doctor. Although he realizes the curse is an ancient tribal superstition, he still is plagued by the ghost of his late first wife. The black doctor and the white man are assimilated into cultures in which neither of them were born in this vexing jungle tale.
The Cage

Le chevalier de la nuit
Robert Darène
Renée Saint-Cyr, Jean-Claude Pascal
Известная балерина Бэлла Фонтанж несчастлива в браке со своим молодым мужем Жоржем де Сегаром. Однажды во время ночной грозы пара оказывается в небольшом замке. Владелец замка предлагает Жоржу отделить в нём доброе начало от злого. Операция проходит успешно, но зло пересиливает, и Жорж становится ещё более жестоким и циничным по отношению к своей жене.
The Knight of the Night

Maurice Cloche
Albert Préjean, Pierre Renoir
Barnes, the mate of the 'Portland', is the object of the hate of the whole ship's crew. His mistress is murdered shortly before the departure and suspicion naturally falls on him. Some time later, Jeff Cooper, the skipper, falls to his death in the middle of the night. Once again Barnes is suspected and the mate has to resort to force to maintain his authority on board. During the stopover, Barnes is interrogated and finally cleared. He is even appointed captain of the 'Portland' in replacement of Jeff and can marry his best friend's daughter.

Mimi Pinson
Robert Darène
Dany Robin, Raymond Pellegrin
Dany Robin plays the title character in the French comedy Mimi Pinson. The plot is strictly formula stuff, with Mimi being thwarted on all sides by those who have designs on her money and her virtue. Happily, our heroine triumphs over her foes and predators, finding true romance in the arms of Raymond Pellegrin.
Mimi Pinson