Lancelot von Naso
1976 (49 лет)Kommissar Marthaler - Engel des Todes
Lancelot von Naso
Matthias Koeberlin, Julia Jentsch
In a cold-blooded attack on an art transport Tereza, the pregnant girlfriend of Commissioner Robert Marthaler, is mortally wounded. Since Marthaler is thus affected by the incident himself, his boss Herrmann denied him the appropriate investigation. However, Marthaler does not let it stop him and continues to investigate on his own. He soon finds out that there seems to be a connection between the current assault and an unexplained prostitute murder more than 30 years ago.
Kommissar Marthaler - Engel des Todes

Kommissar Marthaler - Ein allzu schönes Mädchen
Lancelot von Naso
Matthias Koeberlin, Julia Jentsch
In his new case, Marthaler is puzzled. A bachelor party ended with a cruel bloody act. While the investigations lead Marthaler to France, there are more murders in Frankfurt. Marthaler and his team soon chase after a beautiful stranger, who seems to be the key to solving the case. Continuation of the successful series with Frankfurt Chief Commissioner Robert Marthaler, based on novel works by Jan Seghers.
Kommissar Marthaler - Ein allzu schönes Mädchen

Lancelot von Naso
Matthias Habich, Hannes Jaenicke
A 24 hours ceasefire. The situation in Falluja is devastating- no food, no medications, no help. A group of five people sets out with the plan to help- they end up fighting for the lives of the helpless and wounded and eventually - their own.

Kommissar Marthaler - Die Braut im Schnee
Lancelot von Naso
Matthias Koeberlin, Bernadette Heerwagen
Eigentlich sollte der 12. November ein fröhlicher Tag für Kriminalkommissar Robert Marthaler werden, denn nach drei Jahren soll Tereza aus Madrid nach Frankfurt zurückkehren. Am Nachmittag will er sie am Flughafen abholen. Aber gleich morgens wird er an einen Tatort gerufen. Eine junge Frau ist ermordet worden. Der Anblick ihrer Leiche macht es offensichtlich: auf dem Weg zum Tod ist sie durch ein Martyrium gegangen. Marthaler und seine Kollegen sind fassungslos. Und sie ahnen, hier kommen sie mit der üblichen Ermittlungsroutine nicht weiter. Weil das nagelneue Polizeipräsidium in der Adickesallee gerade unter Wasser steht, zieht das Team um Marthaler in ein altes Bürgerhaus um. Zwischen Umzugskisten und fluchenden Möbelpackern müssen sie einen der schwierigsten Fälle der Frankfurter Kriminalgeschichte aufklären.
Kommissar Marthaler - Die Braut im Schnee

Mein Mann, ein Mörder
Lancelot von Naso
Veronica Ferres, Ulrich Noethen
Minette and Paul are married and seem to lead a happy family life. But when Paul began gradually to move away from his wife, it decides to spin and managed to watch the tryst he gave Nora, his new conquest, in a hotel room. The betrayed wife keeps to herself what she witnessed, even when it crosses the opera which was favored by her husband. Following a violent altercation between two lovers, the master mysteriously disappears. The former partner it makes contact with Minette and claims that Paul murdered Nora. To support his point, he shows Minette photo of a dead body could be that of the missing young woman ... A crossover lover-like thriller, where the characters and spectators alike struggle to discern truth from falsehood.
My Husband, An Assassin