Oles Yanchuk
Oles Yanchuk
Aleksey Gorbunov, Galina Sulima
The film about the Holodomor famine in Ukraine, based on the novel 'The Yellow Prince' by Vasyl Barka. The film is told through the lives of the Katrannyk family of six. It relies more on images than on words shot in black-and-white.

Атентат: Осіннє вбивство в Мюнхені
Oles Yanchuk
Leonid Bakshtayev, Mykola Boklan
The film covers the period from 1947, when UPA troops broke with fights abroad, and to autumn of 1959, when in Munich KGB agent Bohdan Stashynskyi killed Stepan Bandera.
Assassination: An October Murder in Munich

Oles Yanchuk
Gregory Hlady
In 1950, long after the world has finished fighting World War II, a fight continues behind the newly drawn Iron Curtain: as the Ukrainians keep fighting both Nazi and Soviet abuses, General Roman Shukhevych (Hryhoriy Hladiy) is forced by brutal circumstances and his own sense of honor and duty to lead this effort as an underground war. As portrayed by the film, Shukhevych is a genteel family man who is also a complex character (revolted by ethnic discrimination, a music lover and a military genius) that with his charisma fuels his countrymen with desire for freedom. In the end, Shukhevych's efforts are unable to defeat the Soviets despite paying for his resistance with his life, but they re-enforce Ukrainian patriotism as an underground force until Ukraine finally recovers its freedom from Soviet tyranny.
The Undefeated

Таємний щоденник Симона Петлюри
Oles Yanchuk
Irma Vitovska, Bohdan Beniuk
The Secret Diary of Simon Petliura takes an unprecedented look at the short-lived Ukrainian People's Republic, which declared an independent Ukraine in 1918, and the later assassination of the UNR's chairman, Symon Petliura in Paris in 1926, orchestrated by the Kremlin at the start of the Soviet occupation of Ukraine.
The Secret Diary of Symon Petliura