Jānis Streičs
1936 (88 лет)A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve
Jānis Streičs
Lilita Bērziņa, Olga Dreģe
When old auntie Mirta succeeds in a lottery and wins a car, which she cannot use herself, different family members are suddenly there to 'be helpful' in favor to get the car after aunties' death, not to mention, they never have come before to help her. The funny rivalry between two parts of family, a foolish jealousy to the near living peasants' family, which had always non-selfishly been there for auntie, is a caricature of greasy human nature. This is a slight humor of the Soviet life details as well. But aunt Mirta isn't fool, and is still young in her heart until her last minute, that appears in her last will - to whom the car, the limousine in the color of St. John's night goes.
A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve

Mans draugs - nenopietns cilvēks
Jānis Streičs
Jānis Paukštello, Gaļina Maculēviča
Arvīds Lasmanis can't hold any job for long because he is not ready to tolerate deceit and slapdash work. He still has to feed his family, buy chance he finds a well-paid job as a gravedigger. A friend helps Arvīds to find a place in a construction team, but other workers don't approve of Arvīds' high principles. His wife accuses him of not knowing how to make money, the family lives crammed in one room of a shared flat. The Soviet absurd comedy tells a story about a man who, while at odds with the system, won't lose his conscience and his true self, even if it means saying no to wealth and comfort.
My Frivolous Friend

The Mills of Fate
Jānis Streičs
Ivars Kalniņš, Artūrs Skrastiņš
Melodramatic movie with colorful elements of comedy and songs that have deeply rooted in the Latvian folklore. Love triangle - terminally ill university teacher, blind girl and young bard. In the background - wild arrival of the capitalism, political conflicts, city life and beautiful nature of Latvia. In the end love conquers everything though not everybody lives to witness that.
The Mills of Fate

Carmen Horrendum
Jānis Streičs
Ilona Ozola, Vizma Ozoliņa- Kvēpa
At the center of it is the fate of young women in the war and in the harsh post-war times, when witch-hunting of "enemies of the people" was a common occurrence. The brutal war is mutilating both the girls' bodies and their souls. Location: military hospital. It is just a backdrop to which the character rattles, the intrigue, the human relationships. The pathos of the tape conveys the idea that a woman is and remains a woman in all circumstances and situations. During the tumultuous years of war, they were also overwhelmed by true love, mutual understanding, trust and tenderness.
Carmen Horrendum

Ansis Epners
Ivars Kants, Regīna Razuma
Edmunds Berzs is an architect who has achieved a comfortable life, but this causes him unease, so he decides to go to the country house where his mother lives. There he wakes up to find himself locked in a cage in the middle of the forest. Edmunds, paradoxically, finds the tranquility he was looking for.
The Cage

Jānis Streičs
Līga Liepiņa, Gennadi Korolkov
Раненого во время побега русского солдата, рискуя своей жизнью, приютили на своем хуторе дед с внучкой. Илга полюбила его, но война разлучила их. Вернувшись, он узнает о том, что она погибла. Лишь спустя много лет он приехал вновь.

Rudolf's Gold
Jānis Streičs
Romualds Ancāns, Uldis Dumpis
The dawn of the XX century promised Latvians a prosperous and happy future. The nation’s self-esteem had awakened, and farmers were increasingly able to rise above even the estate stewards. Rudups, old soldier of the Kaiser and, with his wealth and pride, a thorn in the Baron’s side, becomes truly uncontrollable when he’s hit by Cupid’s arrow. The old boy is willing to do anything for simple maid Emily. But the girl loves his godson Karlis. It’s all a mix of riches, of cheating, and the Baron’s lawlessness. The fight of two relatives for Emily’s heart changes the fate of both men and the maid, so she can see sunshine through the tears.
Rudolf's Gold

Tikšanās uz Piena ceļa
Jānis Streičs
Ināra Slucka, Nina Ilyina
Военная переводчица Астра Леиня получает разрешение служить в той же дивизии, в которой воюет ее жених. И теперь, подвергаясь смертельной опасности, пешком и на попутных машинах, она пробирается вдоль линии фронта и становится свидетельницей драматических событий войны и возрождающегося мира.
Meeting on the Milky Way

Nepabeigtas vakarinas
Jānis Streičs
Uldis Vadziks, Ivars Kalniņš
In one of the prestigious restaurants during banquet speech a large company's director Palmgren is killed in front of dozen guests . Case is lead by Criminal Investigation Officer Pierre Monson with his assistants. Suspect can be easily intercepted if only miserably lazy police officers Kvant and Kristiansson instead of catching criminal would not argue with father of little 3 years old boy who yelled: "Police, police, mashed potatoes" when they ate hot dogs. Help comes from capital in form of the famous Commissioner Martin Beck, who discovers that murdered industrialist was involved in illegal activities and had many enemies. The case is linked as well with government's "higher ends".
Unfinnished Dinner

Atcerēties vai aizmirst
Jānis Streičs
Lyudmila Chursina, Ģirts Jakovļevs
В доме Нины и Николая Янсонов царят комфорт и уют. Не хватает только детей, о которых так мечтает Николай. И Нина рожает вопреки запретам врачей. Однако на третий день после родов молодой женщине сообщают, что ее ребенок умер в больнице во время операции. Не в силах сказать об этом мужу, Нина решает тайно усыновить оставленного в роддоме мальчика и выдать его за своего сына. Две недели счастливой жизни. И тут Нина узнает об ошеломляющей ошибке, происшедшей в роддоме…
To Remember or to Forget

Jānis Streičs
Katrīne Pasternaka, Lyudmila Golubeva
Artūrs comes back to Riga after serving in army and faces changes because of his years of absence- his girlfriend has met another man, his work in a factory in a superior position brings changes to relationships with acquaintances.