Fabrizio Ferraro
2021Colossale sentimento
Fabrizio Ferraro
A group of visionaries decide to take a baroque a statue of Christ where it was planned to be by its sculptor, Francesco Mochi. During the trip, Christ breaks the four-hundred years silence and speaks to John the Baptist.
Colossale sentimento

Gli indesiderati d'Europa
Fabrizio Ferraro
Euplemio Macri, Catarina Wallenstein
Portraying the last days in the life of philosopher Walter Benjamin (1892–1940), whose writings such as The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction have become of seminal importance in cultural criticism, Ferraro not only deals with a historical and philosophically fascinating subject, but has also crafted a landscape film of immense beauty.
Les Unwanted de Europa

La veduta luminosa
Fabrizio Ferraro
Catarina Wallenstein, Alessandro Carlini
Mr. Emmer is a jaded Film Director, Catarina the assistant of an absent Producer. Together they embark on a journey in search of Hölderlin's places, for a never forgotten project on the German poet. But during the journey their aspirations will prove to be an obstacle for the realisation of any work. A love song for a suffering Nature.
The Luminous View

Piano sul pianeta (malgrado tutto coraggio Francesco!)
Fabrizio Ferraro
Andrea Ferraro, Antonio Sinisi
Whoever crosses the threshold of a mental health institution immediately finds themselves on a different planet. In PIANO SUL PIANETA, Fabrizio Ferraro’s superb black-and-white images create a dystopian tale, suspended in time but hugely restricted in space.
Piano sul pianeta (malgrado tutto coraggio Francesco!)

Wenn aus dem Himmel... - Quando dal cielo...
Fabrizio Ferraro
Paolo Fresu, Daniele Di Bonaventura
In QUANDO DAL CIELO, Italian filmmaker Fabrizio Ferraro rises to the challenge of filming music, or rather filming musicians in the midst of the creative act to reinforce the idea that the dimension of listening is active.
Wenn aus dem Himmel

Je suis Simone (La condition ouvrière)
Fabrizio Ferraro
Claudia Landi, Giovanna Giuliani
This is the diary which the French philosopher Simone Weil kept when, as a twenty-five-year-old, she took a one-year sabbatical from school and her studies and worked in a Parisian factory from December 4, 1934 until August 1935, running the presses at the Alsthom electric company. This experience formed the basis for her book La condition ouvrière. The written chronicle of her days is visually accompanied by a continuous flow of dark rooms and the urban landscape of Île Seguin (suburbs south of Paris), paying particular attention to construction sites and factories.
Je suis Simone (La condition ouvrière)