Michael Stock
2021Postcard to Daddy
Michael Stock
Michael Stock
As a child, Michael Stock was sexually abused - by his own father. 25 years later he is still looking for inner peace. In conversations with his family and friends and his own reflections, he paints an ever clearer, if contradictory picture of what happened and of the consequences for each of the family members. Old family films seem to show a happy family - excerpts from Michael's first feature film hint at his extreme adult life, overshadowed by his lifelong trauma. Yet in spite of the intense drama, the film doesn't have an atmosphere of anger and hatred but rather a surprising air of hope and love of life. Michael's aim is not to accuse the "perpetrator" but to understand. In the end, he takes his video "Postcard" to his father. With the camera running, he confronts him with his past.
Postcard to Daddy
Prinz in Hölleland
Michael Stock
Stefan Laarmann, Michael Stock
The story is set soon after the reunification of West and East Germany, and is about the disintegrating relationship between Jockel a political activist and Stefan a heroin junkie, and their involvement with a bisexual Micha. A 2nd plot line is concerned with Micha's young son Sascha, and his life in a rundown world of drugs and poverty. His fascination with the creepy, exhibitionist puppeteer Firlefanz, whose grotesque puppets enact a gay fairy tale paralleling the relationship of Stefan and Jockel. Central to the disintegration of these characters is the drug dealer Ingolf, who 'pulls their strings' with heroin, instead of puppet wires.
Prince in Hell
Todd Verow
Michael Gunther, Craig Chester
A first person narrative of the exploits of a gay serial killer in deeply disturbing, controversial drama about violence, sexuality, and the imagination. Dennis, the main character, whose lead we follow on this path between what is real and what we can only hope is surreal. His friends attempt to determine if he's truly a psychopath.
Fucking Different
Isabella Gresser, Ades Zabel
Susanne Sachße, Marcel Schlutt
Lesbian filmmakers from Berlin were asked to make a short film about their idea of male gay love and sexuality and, vice versa, gay men were given the task of making a short film about lesbian sexuality and eroticism.
Fucking Different
Er hat 'ne Glatze
Jürgen Brüning
Andreas Stadler, Michael Stock
Documentary montage on the theme of skinheads in Germany and the sexual fascination for them held by many homosexuals, which has a historical dimension in the same tradition as sailors, builders and men in leather being idolized objects.
He is Bold and He is Racist, He is Gay and He is a Fascist