Sohrab Shahid Saless
1944 - 1998Shahid Saless is known to be a pioneer of the new wave of Iranian cinema. In his own words, his cinema intends to document the “antagonism between man and society”. In the course of his oeuvre, he viewed the role of cinema as “to make conscious of indignity and inhumanity of life".
Grabbes letzter Sommer
Sohrab Shahid Saless
Gabriele Fischer, Wilfried Grimpe
Iranian director Sohrab Shahid Saless has succeeded in taking on an unusual project — the life and times of a German literary figure — and making it interesting. Christian Dietrich Grabbes lived a very short life in the first half of the 19th century and is primarily known for his satire, skepticism, basurd theater and the fact that he presaged the Postmodern movement in literature. Hannibal and Don Juan and Faust are two of his better-known works. In this docudrama, his Comedy, Satire, Irony and Deeper Meaning is featured partly because it gives a drubbing to the icons of German thought that had a stranglehold on the creative process. One memorable moment in this three-and-a-half-hour story is when the alcoholic writer is caught in the throes of delirium and comes around to see his own mother as a figure of death. The irony is that an Iranian director could capture the spirit and age of a German writer so well
Grabbe's Last Summer

Rosen für Afrika
Sohrab Shahid Saless
Silvan-Pierre Leirich, Enzi Fuchs
A psychodrama about how injustice is turned into oblivion about an opportunity worker and a woman from the civil house of a marriage for 30 years . Soon the relationship fails due to the aggressive, also destructive tendencies of the man who enters a deep personal crisis. When the marriage coined/shaped of force and Psychoterror goes finally into the breaks, the man looks for comfort in the alcohol and becomes criminal.
Roses for Africa

Still Life
Sohrab Shahid Saless
Zadour Bonyadi, Mohammed Kani
A minimalist study of lonely, isolated existence. Mohamad Sardari has spent thirty years at a remote outpost raising and lowering a gate to keep road traffic from crossing tracks when a train passes. He lives with his wife in an unadorned shack; a few bare trees dot the threadbare landscape.
Still Life

Sohrab Shahid Saless
Manfred Zapatka, Imke Barnstedt
A treatise on love and desire tainted by harsh reality of capitalism, in which submission to the laws of lust-as-commerce is played out by five prostitutes and their pimp, who pits them against one another so that they are incapable of standing up to him collectively.

Sohrab Shahid Saless
Heinz Lieven, Dorothea Moritz
Herbert (Heinz Lieven) is a solid, middle-class engineer who one day quits his job and ensconces himself at home (preferably in the bathroom), refusing to say very much to anyone. His wife (Dorothea Moritz ) is all the more upset at his behavior because on Sunday mornings he goes out into the street and yells at the top of his lungs for everyone to "get up." Eventually, the hard-working wife who is also earning their support convinces Herbert to go to a clinic for treatment. But is it a clinic he needs? Or is Herbert rebelling against a society that is too ordered, too sterile, too buried in the monotony of routine?
All in Order

A Simple Event
Sohrab Shahid Saless
Hibibollah Safarian, Mohammed Zamani
The story of a ten years old Iranian schoolboy living with his mother and his father in Northern coasts of Iran. The boy helps his father in selling the latter's illegal fishing and helps his mother in shopping for her and bringing home water from a well. The three characters live together in only one room. Their life is austere. The boy eats only bread and milk every day... One day the boy's mother dies.
A Simple Event

Diary of a Lover
Sohrab Shahid Saless
Ingeborg Ziemendorf, Robert Dietl
A diary of a lonely 30 year old man who works as a butcher in a supermarket. The movie shows his daily life between the supermarket and his flat. His ability to communicate is limited. From time to time his mother visits him. But his relationship to her is rather reserved. Constantly he's waiting for his girlfriend which is not visiting him anymore after they had a fight.
Diary of a Lover