Liviu Ciulei
1923 - 2011The Waves of the Danube
Liviu Ciulei
Lazăr Vrabie, Liviu Ciulei
Ciulei’s second feature recalls the best of Fritz Lang and Michael Curtiz in its WWII-era espionage tale, set on a barge transporting Nazi munitions up the Danube. Ciulei himself givers a superb performance as Mihai, the barge captain forced to navigate the heavily mined waters along with his new bride, Ana (Irina Petrescu). As the journey wears on, Mihai becomes increasingly suspicious of one of his crew, ex-convict Toma (Lazar Vrabie), and his intentions towards Ana. But Toma has a far graver—and potentially deadly—secret to conceal.
The Waves of the Danube

Facerea lumii
Gheorghe Vitanidis
Irina Petrescu, Colea Răutu
Around the nationalization in 1948, a worker's daughter, as a student, is attracted by the social life offered by a breed horse owner. The relationship will sour by the cruelty with which he kills the horses, rather then give them away.
The Making of the World

Nepoţii gornistului
Dinu Negreanu
Tatiana Iekel, Marga Barbu
Фильм рассказывавает о трех поколениях крестьянской семьи Доробанцу, мужественно и самоотверженно боровшихся против угнетателей своей родины. Зритель видит людей, принимавших активное участие в крестьянских восстаниях 1907 г., и их потомков, победивших в воине против фашизма.
Nepoţii gornistului

The Romanian Musketeer
Gheorghe Vitanidis
Iurie Darie, Alexandru Repan
During the 18th century when Moldavian Prince Dimitrie Cantemir writes The History of the Rise and Fall of the Ottoman Empire the manuscript is stolen and offered to the highest bidder.
The Romanian Musketeer

Alarmă în munți
Dinu Negreanu
Iurie Darie, Emanoil Petruţ
Самолёт без опознавательных знаков нарушил воздушную границу Румынии. Парашютистам, выбросившимся с самолёта в районе лесопильного завода, удалось скрыться. Их возглавляет матёрый волк — бывший капитан королевской армии, фашист-легионер Ставреску, бежавший из страны вместе с гитлеровскими войсками в 1944 году. Ему известны все окрестные ущелья и пещеры — в этих местах когда-то хозяйничал его отец, крупный помещик. Но Ставреску не знает, где расположены сторожевые заставы. Это должна выведать его бывшая служанка, красавица Кодица, которой увлечён молодой солдат Миху. Борьба, которую ведут с хитрым, коварным, сильным врагом отряды пограничных войск и местные жители, и составляет содержание фильма.
Alarm in the Mountains

Savel Știopul
Liviu Ciulei, Adrian Pintea
In the early 19th century the Romanian Theodor Diamant was inspired by the French utopian socialist Charles Fourier and established one of Fourier's "phalansteries" in Rumania. The film dramatizes the origins and demise of this effort, called the "Scaieni Phalanstery (the term is derived from "phalanx" and "monastery"). Among the socio-political commentary that is conveyed throughout, there is an important collusion between the army and the wealthy landowners of the time, and as the film points out in its own way, neither of these groups has ever been convicted of socialist/utopian tendencies.

La France est un empire
Hervé Missir, Emmanuel Bourcier
Jacques Breteuil, Liviu Ciulei
A documentary showing the pride France took in its position as an Empire, during the period after the Munich accords when it felt threatened by bullying from Italy and the possibility of war still with Germany.
France is an Empire