Mireia Gabilondo
2021Barrura begiratzeko leihoak
Enara Goikoetxea, Josu Martínez
Five directors portray five Basque political prisoners. A young woman counts the days remaining before she is arrested. A man returns to society after 17 years in prison. A mother records every phone conversation she had with her imprisoned daughter on 125 cassette tapes. An intellect and professor of journalism tries to find himself from the solitude of his cell. And a former ETA leader reconnects with a close friend from his youth, now a filmmaker. 'Windows Looking Inward' gives a brief insight into the lives of the people behind the bars, behind the events, behind the headlines.
Windows Looking Inward

Kutsidazu bidea, Ixabel
Fernando Bernués, Mireia Gabilondo
Mikel Losada, Ainere Tolosa
Juan Martin, a young boy from San Sebastian, decides to spend the summer in a remote hillside farmhouse to improve his Basque. But there he discovers that the language they use has little in common with his classroom learnings.
Kutsidazu bidea, Ixabel

Amaren eskuak
Mireia Gabilondo
Naiara Arnedo, Loli Astoreka
Nerea is 37, is married and has a daughter. Professionally Nerea is a journalist and has to spend most of the day in the newspaper, subtracting much time to her family. The difficulty in balancing work and personal life greatly overwhelms the protagonist and the problem does not get worse when her mother, Luisa, Alzheimer patient is admitted to hospital.
Amaren eskuak

Soinujolearen semea
Fernando Bernués
Aitor Beltrán, Iñaki Rikarte
David Imaz had to flee from the Basque Country in the mid-seventies, repudiated by his people, accused of betrayal. Despite having found happiness in California, his past still weighs him down and the feeling of guilt prevents him from being able to settle down and peacefully enjoy the last days of his life. Joseba Altuna, his childhood friend, comes to say goodbye and to settle the score while he's at it. It's been a long time since they saw one another, but the time has come to face the truth.
The Accordionist's Son

Mireia Gabilondo
Aitziber Garmendia, Sara Cózar
A group of childhood friends has gone to a country house to celebrate the bachelor party of one of them. But the years do not pass in vain, and, although they feel a very strong bond between them, nothing is what it used to be; or yes...
The Hive

Fernando Bernués, Mireia Gabilondo
Klara Badiola, Iñaki Beraetxe
Mugaldekoak is set in the early 40s, when, on this side of the border, the wounds of the Civil War were still open and, on the other, they were living under occupation by the German Army. The tale revolves around the Comète Network, an initiative developed during World War II on the border with Navarre: the clandestine evacuation of British pilots brought down in enemy territory.

Gure oroitzapenak
Josu Martínez, Özcan Alper
The countenance of Joseba Sarrionandia is multi-faceted, not only for having dabbled in all literary forms of expression, but for having been capable of creating his own imagery, composed of endless worlds. Thus, several of the elements appearing in the literary world will undoubtedly appear here: the sea, the port, childhood, trains, uprooting, war, destruction, love, drifting, pain, fantasy, mystery, initiation, torture...
Gure oroitzapenak