Mauritz Stiller
1883 - 1928Fördom och stolthet - Sveriges queera filmhistoria
Eva Beling
Harriet Andersson, Liv Ullmann
A journey through Swedish film history by the depictions of the dykes, gays and transgender people for 100 years. From Stiller via Bergman and Zetterling to the present day, they queer their rightful place.
Prejudice and Pride: Swedish Film Queer

Herr Arnes pengar
Mauritz Stiller
Richard Lund, Hjalmar Selander
Three Scottish officers, including Sir Archi, murder Sir Arne and his household for a coffin filled with gold. The only survivor is Elsalill, who moves to relatives in Marstrand. There she meets a charming young officer- Sir Archi- and she soon understands that he was one of the murderers.
Sir Arne's Treasure

Gunnar Hedes saga
Mauritz Stiller
Einar Hanson, Mary Johnson
Gunnar Hede is raised by a strict mother, who wants him to become respectable to match his family’s wealth. He is more interested in his grandfather, who started as an itinerant violin player, but got rich by leading a herd of wild reindeer south to market. He falls for a violinist working with a married couple of traveling performers and renounces his fortune to go with them. He then tries to earn a fortune by driving reindeer to market, but it doesn’t work out and he goes insane. He is finally restored to sanity by the violinist when she returns with the performers.
Gunnar Hede's Saga

Gösta Berlings saga
Mauritz Stiller
Greta Garbo, Lars Hanson
Gösta Berling is a young and attractive minister. Because of his alcoholism and his daring sermons, he is finally defrocked. He becomes a tutor of countess Marta's stepdaughter and they fall in love. But the countess has a plan of her own.
The Saga of Gosta Berling