Didier Albert
2021L'oiseau rare
Didier Albert
Michèle Laroque, Hippolyte Girardot
A woman in her forties takes stock of her past years. She has led a full life, with lots of outings with her friends. She has certainly not had time to be bored and has built the life that suits her. Professionally, she has an interesting job and her friends find her beautiful and funny. The only shadow in this almost idyllic picture is the absence of a child. Unfortunately, she has not yet found the rare pearl who would be a perfect father for her descendants. Determined to remedy the situation, she sets out to find the ideal man. Several male representatives are on the starting line.
L'Oiseau rare

Meurtres sur la dune du Pyla
Didier Albert
Véronique Genest, Dounia Coesens
15 лет назад, когда две сестры убежали из дома, это приключение закончилось трагически: 17-летняя Лаура исчезла, а 10-летняя Элиза не могла вспомнить, что же с ними произошло. И вот, спустя много лет, журналистка Элиза Кастель, возвращается в родной городок Пила-сюр-Мер, узнав, что в строительном карьере было обнаружено тело девушки. Элиза уверена, что это ее сестра. Она начинает собственное расследование, пытаясь собрать воедино головоломку из обрывков тяжелых воспоминаний…
Meurtres sur la dune du Pyla

Les enfants, j'adore !
Didier Albert
Claire Borotra, Yvon Back
Estelle, 30, thinks she is going to remain single for the rest of her life. A free-lance journalist, she also thinks she will never cover any news bigger than fillers. One day, Estelle sees her chance when she gets to interview soccer superstar Stefano Paudretto... only to ruin it all by slapping him for getting too fresh! But that same day reserves another surprise: love at first sight! His name is Renaud. He is a sports radio journalist. Estelle starts dreaming again. But the wonderful love affair is in trouble when the Prince Charming's children declare war on their potential stepmother. Estelle is ready to fight back. After all, she's reached the ripe old age of 30 - it's now or never!
Les enfants, j'adore !