Khwaja Ahmad Abbas
1914 - 1987परदेसी
Vasily Pronin, Khwaja Ahmad Abbas
Nargis, Oleg Strizhenov
This first co-production of the Soviet and Indian cinematographers is dedicated to the Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin who in 1466-1472 blazed the trade way from Europe to India. The film is based on Nikitin’s travel notes. Starring in the film are popular Russian actor Oleg Strizhenov and India’s 1950s movie star Nargis.
Journey Beyond Three Seas

Khwaja Ahmad Abbas
Master Romi, Jagdeep
В тёмную ненастную ночь возле приюта появилась молодая женщина. Прижав в последний раз к груди своего ребёнка, она оставила его у дверей и исчезла так же незаметно, как и пришла. Лишь луна да звёзды были молчаливыми свидетелями её поступка, крика отчаявшейся души. «Мунна» по индийски значит «малыш». Так хозяин приюта назвал подкидыша. Шли годы. Однажды в приют явилась богатая бездетная чета, пожелавшая усыновить одного из мальчиков. Выбор их пал на Мунну. Однако, узнав о том, что мать ребёнка жива, они отказались от своего намерения и ушли, оставив на шее у мальчика золотой амулет. В эту ночь Мунна не мог уснуть: боль и тоска сдавили его маленькое сердце. Мальчик бежит из приюта и отправляется в Бомбей на поиски своей матери. Он решил найти её, где бы она ни была!

Do Boond Pani
Khwaja Ahmad Abbas
Jalal Agha, Madhu Chanda
Ganga Singh (Jalal Agha), newly married to Gauri (Simi Garewal), brings his wife to his village where he lives with his father Hari Singh (Sajjan), and sister Sonki (Madhu Chanda). The village is suffering from drought and villagers have to travel a long distance to get water. Ganga Singh hears of a dam being constructed and leaves his wife to join in the building of it. His family goes through misfortunes, with his father dying and his sister being raped by the dacoit Mangal Singh. Ganga himself dies preventing a disaster at the dam. The dam is eventually built bringing greenery to an arid region. His wife bears a son and lives on in the village.
Two Drops of Water

Dr Mohammad Iqbal
Khwaja Ahmad Abbas
A film is about the great Urdu poet, Mohammad Iqbal. He is reminisced by his son Justice Javed Iqbal, who says, "The centenary of AllamaIqbal, my father, which is being celebrated in India and Pakistan shows how his memory is still held in the two countries." Iqbal's Tarana-E-Hind or the Song of India became the battle song of freedom. The poet sang, "Religion does not teach us to hate each other. We are all Indians, and our homeland is this Hindustan of ours."Gandhiji in one of his Urdu letters wrote, "I have sung this song of Iqbal hundreds of times in jail." Iqbal was a poet of the revolution, who penned innumerable impassioned poems during his life time, which ended on April 21, 1938 when the sun of his glory was at its zenith.
Dr Mohammad Iqbal