Lois Patiño
1983 (41 год)His videos and videoinstalations have been shown in art centres such as Centro Cultura San Martín (Buenos Aires), Casa Encendida (Madrid), CCCB (Barcelona), MARCO (Vigo), Solar Galeria (Portugal)... His films have been screened at international festivals as Locarno, Rotterdam, San Francisco, Ann Arbour, Cinema du Rèel, Rome IFF, Viennale, Jhilava, Media City, Punto de Vista... or in Rencontres Internationales París/ Berlín/ Madrid, which took place in Centre Georges Pompidou (París), Reina Sofía Museum (Madrid) and Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin).
Specific focuses on his work have been developed in places as the New York Film Festival (Views form the Avant Garde), Flaherty Seminar (Colgate University) in BAFICI (Argentina) or Festival of Cali (Colombia). He has been invited to show their work at universities such as Harvard (Sensory Ethnography Lab), California College of the Arts, FUC (Buenos Aires) or Instituto Politécnico (Porto).
With his work "Mountain in Shadow" won prizes at Oberhausen IFF (Germany), Clermont-Ferrand (France), Bucharest Experimental FF. And at the Locarno IFF he recieved the prize for the best emerging director with his work "Costa da Morte". This feature film also get prizes in festivals such as Jeonju IFF (South Corea), FICUNAM (México) Festival dei Popoli (Italy), Valdivia IFF (Chile) or Seville European Film Festival (Spain).
He is represented by The New Gallery (Madrid) and Vilaseco-Hauser Gallery (A Coruña - Stuttgart), and by the film producers Zeitun Films (A Coruña).
More info: loispatino.com
Montaña en sombra
Lois Patiño
A poetic view into the relationship of immensity between man and landscape. We contemplate, from the distance, the activity of the skiers on the snowy mountain. The pictorial image and the dark and dreamlike atmosphere transforms the space into something unreal, imprecise, converting it also in a spectral presence.
Mountain in Shadow

Costa da Morte
Lois Patiño
Manuel Barga, Emilia Demina
Portrait of Costa da Morte (coast region in Galicia, Spain) from an ethnographic and landscape level, exploring also the collective imagination associated with the area. A region marked by strong oceanic feeling dominated by the historical conception of world's end and with tragic shipwrecks. Fragmentary film that approaches to the anthropological from its protagonists: sailors, shellfish, loggers, farmers ... A selection of characters representative of the traditional work carried out in the countryside in the region, allowing us to reflect on the influence of the environment on people.
Coast of Death

Noite Sem Distância
Lois Patiño
An instant in the memory of landscape: the smuggling that for centuries crossed the line between Portugal and Galicia. The Gerês Mountains knows no borders, and rocks cross from one country to another with insolence. Smugglers also disobey this separation. The rocks, the river, the trees: silent witnesses that help them to hide. They just have to wait for the night to cross the distance that separates them.
Night Without Distance

Lúa vermella
Lois Patiño
Pilar Rodlos, Ana Marra
Time seems to stand still in a village in the Galician coast. Everybody there is paralyzed although we can still hear their voices: they talk about ghosts, about witches, about monsters. Three women arrive in the village to find Rubio, a sailor who has recently disappeared in the sea.
Red Moon Tide

Lois Patiño, Matías Piñeiro
Agustina Muñoz, Diana Diegues
Who is Sycorax? The first character in Shakespeare's "Tempest" to set foot on the island. The problem is that she has no voice. She is barely mentioned by Prospero as a crooked, old, wicked witch who vilely locked Ariel, the spirit of the air, in a tree. But why would she do that? Here, we wouldn't believe Prospero so much.

La imagen arde
Lois Patiño
Lois Patiño dissects the movement of a fire, analyses its fleeting ephemeral forms, and transforms them with sound to enrich the meaning of the images. The Image Burns begins as a reflection on our perception and becomes an intense interaction between the parts, between the images and the spectator. We look at the fire and the fire looks back at us.
The Image Burns

Paisaje-Duración: Rio
Lois Patiño
The project studies the relationship between observer and landscape in the contemplative experience. A sensory approach to landscape from introspective perception. We start with the external factors of space and time in the environment to go deeper in the temporal and spatial consciousness experiences.
Duration-Landscape: River

Paisaje-Distancia: Casa
Lois Patiño
Study of the relationship between observer and landscape in the contemplative experience. The view building the landscape from the necessary distance. The delimitation of its borders against the total continuum of nature. The observer immersed in the path of his gaze across the landscape. Resting the gaze in the details that make the globallity. The view selecting the space included as a landscape.
Distance-Landscape: House

Na vibración da terra
Lois Patiño
We feel a sublime experience where the mental image of landscape undergoes a metamorphosis. The actual space is distorted. It is the connection at the “full instant”, the idea of “durèe” of Henri Bergson, where the intensity of the experience makes the image of landscape expand.
Into Earth’s Vibration

Lois Patiño
In the Moroccan desert night dilutes forms and silence slides through sand. Dawn starts then to draw silhouettes of dunes while motionless figures punctuate landscape. From night´s abstraction, light returns its dimension to space and their volume to bodies. Stillness concentrates gaze and duration densify it. The adhan -muslim call to pray- sounds and immobility, that was condensing, begins to irradiate. And now the bodies are those which dissolves into the desert.

Paisaje-Distancia: Pescaderos en el mismo mar
Lois Patiño
We approach to invisible details for our eyes, figures disappearing as we move away from them, diluted in space. Parts that are integrated into the whole landscape. The remoteness as disappearance. The human figure betrays us here negligible small in the vastness of the territory, the voracity of the active vacuum that surrounds him. Images captured in the Atlas region in Morocco.
Distance-Landscape: Fishermen in the Same Sea

Na vibración da auga
Lois Patiño
We feel a sublime experience where the mental image of landscape undergoes a metamorphosis. The actual space is distorted. It is the connection at the “full instant”, the idea of “durèe” of Henri Bergson, where the intensity of the experience makes the image of landscape expand.
Into Water’s Vibration

Estratos de la Imagen
Lois Patiño
The project seeks to reflect about the image, and its contemplative experience from the factors of time, color and movement. We focus our view on the human-landscape relationship, facing it in two temporal dimensions: the geological and human. This definition synthesize well the will of the project: "The landscape are layers of time condensed into an image". We seek to merge different temporal layers into a single image, proposing two exploration lines: emphasize the ephemeral and fleeting passage of man over the territory; and invite to a leisurely contemplation showing the poetry and mystery of the movements of landscape.
Strata of the Image