Hanno Höfer
2021Tales from the Golden Age
Răzvan Marculescu, Constantin Popescu Jr.
Tania Popa, Diana Cavallioti
Tales from the Golden Age is composed of 6 unconventional short stories, each one dealing with the late communist period in Romania, told through its urban myths from the perspective of ordinary people. The title of the film refers to the alluded "Golden Age" of the last 15 years of Ceauşescu's regime.
Tales from the Golden Age

Cristian Mungiu
Hanno Höfer, Ioan Fiscuteanu
In a shabby apartment somewhere in Romania, a man obsessively zap between his TV channels despite the wife's complaints and nagging. But where his wife fails, a little man inside the TV will appear and tell Sotul a thing or two about the true mechanics of television zapping...