Jørgen Lerdam
2021Pettson & Findus - Tomtemaskinen
Anders Sørensen, Jørgen Lerdam
Tord Peterson, Lukas Larsson
Петтсон — житель сельской глубинки, он практически ни с кем не общается, поэтому его считают странным человеком. И только его темпераментный кот Финдус знает, что его хозяин — настоящий добряк. Верные друзья во всех делах и приключениях всегда готовы помочь друг другу. Накануне Рождества Финдус загадал три желания, главным из которых стало то, чтобы Санта пришел к ним в гости. Изобретательный Петтсон неосторожно пообещал своему коту, что его желание обязательно сбудется.
Pettson & Findus - The Tomte Machine

Den utrolige historie om den kæmpestore pære
Philip Einstein Lipski, Jørgen Lerdam
Alfred Bjerre Larsen, Liva Elvira Magnussen
Life in Solby is nice and peaceful until one day Mitcho and Sebastian find a message in a bottle by the harbour. The bottle is from the missing mayor of Solby with a message that he is on a mysterious island and has made a great discovery. Now they must embark on a perilous journey to help save the mayor and bring him home, and in the process they uncover something that will bring great pleasure to the city of Solby – a giant pear.
The Incredible Story of the Giant Pear

Pettson & Findus IV - Forget-Abilities
Anders Sørensen, Jørgen Lerdam
Tord Peterson, Lukas Larsson
A swimming machine turns up that has been doctored and modified into a tile thrower, but the machine malfunctions and causes an accident that imparts Pettson with amnesia. Suddenly, it seems as though the only hope for Pettson lies in old stories that will jog his memory, such as the tale about Findus getting lost as a kitten and the one about Pettson and Findus embarking on a thrilling treasure hunt.
Pettson & Findus IV – Forget-Abilities

Jungledyret Hugo 2: Den store filmhelt
Stefan Fjeldmark, Flemming Quist Møller
Jesper Klein, Kaya Brüel
Hugo, the one-of-a-kind jungle animal, is snatched away from his home for a second time in another attempt for him to become an animal actor. Meanwhile, he's reunited with Rita the kind, streetwise fox. Finding that life in front of and behind the camera isn't so bad, he grows more unaccustomed to wild life once he escapes and slowly weakens his relationship with Rita.
Hugo the Movie Star

Olsen Banden på de bonede gulve
Jørgen Lerdam
Martin Buch, Nicolaj Kopernikus
Olsen-Banden skal udføre en betroet opgave for selveste Statsministeriet: H.C. Andersens originale fjerpen skal stjæles fra det Danske Export Museum, det gælder angiveligt Rigets sikkerhed og gode omdømme. Men Hallandsen har igen taget røven på Egon.Der er intet mindre end den danske nationalfølelse, Egons ære og 30 millioner på spil. Men Egon har en plan - han skal bruge en boremaskine, et glas honning, en flaske økologisk sveskejuice og en god bunke døde rotter.Christiansborg sættes på den anden ende, metroen forsinkes mere end sædvanligt og Dronningens gardere danser pludselig cancan.
Olsen Gang Gets Polished

Jungledyret Hugo 3: Fræk, flabet og fri
Flemming Quist Møller, Jørgen Lerdam
Jesper Klein, Kaya Brüel
Jungo is the rarest creature in the world, but also the most popular! Can his best buddies Rita the fox, Zik and Zak the monkeys, and an eager young puppy help him escape the clutches of a mad scientist intent on cloning him, a senseless psychologist who wants to analyze him, and a talk show hostess who wants Jungo to advertise her perfume?
Amazon Jack

Niko ja myrskyporot
Kari Juusonen, Jørgen Lerdam
After a tearful goodbye, Niko leaves his family behind to fulfil his biggest dream and take his place next to his father on Santa’s Flying Forces. Stella, an unknown challenger, arrives to compete for Niko’s spot. Despite their competitiveness, the pair take a liking to each other, and Niko shows Stella where Santa’s sleigh is hidden. However, on the night before Christmas Eve, Stella steals it. Gutted by Stella’s betrayal and desperate to appease his angry father, Niko heads to the frozen North to recover the sleigh. He is accompanied by his old friends Wilma and Julius.
Niko – Beyond the Northern Lights

The Fairytaler: The Ugly Duckling & Other Stories
Jørgen Lerdam
Henrik Koefoed
A Compilation of four episodes of The Fairytaler, includes The Ugly Duckling, The Gardner and the Family, Soup On A Sausage Peg as well as The Traveling Companion.
The Fairytaler: The Ugly Duckling & Other Stories