Karl Hartl
1899 - 1978Zigeunerbaron
Karl Hartl
Adolf Wohlbrück, Hansi Knoteck
XVII век. Отец Cандора фон Баринкай однажды спрятал сокровище где-то в лесу. Свиновод Зупан знает об этом сокровище и хочет, чтобы Баринкай женился на его дочери Арсене, с целью заставить его заключить союз между их двумя семьями. Но когда Баринкай встречает цыганку Ципру, которая также слышала о сокровищах, цыгане видят в Баринкае своего нового лидера. Получив фальшивый титул «Цыганский барон», он теперь имеет право на дворянский титул и жениться на Арсене. Но затем он встречает Саффи, цыганку, которая оказывается дочерью последнего турецкого паши...
The Gypsy Baron

Der Prinz von Arkadien
Karl Hartl
Willi Forst, Liane Haid
Both the King and his son have been deposed by popular demand. The now Prinz of Arkadia certainly enjoys his new role, which without much changing his lifestyle leaves him free to concentrate on his main interest -women. Including an actress who once wrote a mocking song about him -a song that he likes to sing.
The Prince of Arcadia

Berge in Flammen
Luis Trenker, Karl Hartl
Luis Trenker, Lissy Arna
Two of Germany's best and busiest directors collaborated on Berge in Flammen (Mountain in Flames). The storyline should be of interest to pro-ecologists, inasmuch as the directors take to task the warmongers of the world for despoiling the natural beauties of the European mountain ranges with their shell-fire. The final outrage occurs during a battle between the Austrians and the Italians in the Dolomites, culminating with the destruction of an entire mountain (hence the film's title). The harrowing images on screen were complemented perfectly by the musical score of Giuseppe Beece. Also known as The Doomed Batallion, Berge in Flammen was filmed in three different languages -- German, English, French -- for a total cost of $150,000.
Mountains on Fire

Die Gräfin von Monte-Christo
Karl Hartl
Brigitte Helm, Rudolf Forster
The two aspiring actresses Jeanette and Mimi are waiting for their big chance. But the real breakthrough is slow in coming. Jeanette especially desperately needs a big success, since her friend, the journalist Stephan, is about to lose his job. When the two have their chance to take a ride in a posh car during a shooting, Jeanette slams on the throttle and the two friends take off. Their aimless journey takes them to a fashionable winter sports’ hotel, where Jeanette reserves a name under “The Countess of Monte Christo”. Everything’s going dandy; no one suspects a thing. That is, until two impostors, Rumowski and “The Baron” take residence in the same hotel.
The Countess of Monte Cristo

The Wonder Kid
Karl Hartl
Bobby Henrey, Elwyn Brook-Jones
Bobby Henrey, the amazing juvenile star of The Fallen Idol, is here cast as 7-year-old musical genius Sebastian Giro. Mistreated by his avaricious adult manager, Sebastian runs away to a remote Alpine village. He then falls into the hands of a gang of kidnappers, led by the basically sympathetic Jack.
The Wonder Kid