Béla Gaál
2021Az új rokon
Béla Gaál
Zita Perczel, Ferenc Delly
The story takes place in a small village manor-house off Vásárosladány. Sándor leads a quiet life with his wife, son and the now poor relatives of his wife, one which is characterized by the monotony of rural boredom. The arrival of another poor relative, Kitty, a young girl brought up in America, whose way of thinking reflects modern times, puts an end to this overwhelming monotony.
The New Relative

A csúnya lány
Henry Koster, Béla Gaál
Pál Jávor, Gyula Kabos
Dr.Halmi a nokkel szemben nagyon szigoru elveket vall. Alkalmazottkent irodajaban csak csunya noket tur meg. Igy mit tehet a szegeny allastalan titkarno? Egy paroka es egy szemuveg segitsegevel, ven satrafanak alcazva magat hamarosan az ugyved nelkulozhetetlen titkarnojeve valik...
The Ugly Girl

Címzett ismeretlen
Béla Gaál
Imre Ráday, Piri Vaszary
In a post office at Balatonföldvár, Pali, a spoiled young man, one who has good manners and knows the way of the world, falls in love on one lazy summer afternoon with Teri, a young post office clerk and an orphan.
Address Unknown

Az új földesúr
Béla Gaál
Artúr Somlay, Mária Egry
Az Uj Foldesur (The New Squire) was based on a novel by popular Hungarian author Maurice Jokal, whose many works had previously been largely ignored. After the wars of 1848, a retired Austrian army officer "returns to the soil" as a gentleman farmer in Hungary in the 1850s. The old campaigner is the father of two daughters: One of the girls comes to a sad end thanks to the malfeasances of a handsome spy, but the other has a happier fate when she falls in love with a Hungarian POW. The underlying theme is brotherhood, as the formerly warring Austrians and Hungarians at last find a common ground. Az Uj Foldesur was nearly twice as expensive as the average Hungarian film -- but at $40,000, its budget was a drop in the bucket compared to a typical Hollywood production.
The New Landlord

Az aranyember
Béla Gaál
Ferenc Kiss, Tivadar Uray
Az Aranyember (The Man of Gold) was based on a novel by Jokai, at one time Hungary's foremost storyteller. Set in the early 19th century, the story revolves around Timar (Ferenc Kiss), a ferryman on a Danish tugboat. Rescuing the daughter (Marisa Kormos) of a Turkish nobleman from a watery grave, Timar is rewarded with the girl's hand in marriage. Now rich beyond his wildest dreams, our hero finds he is unsatisfied; it seems he has never forgotten his true love, flower girl Noemi (Anna Fuzes). Timar is forced to suffer mightily until he is finally permitted a tender reunion with the girl of his dreams.
Man of Gold

Csak egy kislány van a világon
Béla Gaál
Pál Jávor, Gusztáv Vándory
György Bánáth landowner and Miklós Vass the teacher, on the verge of collapse, trudging all the way from Siberia where they have spent more than ten years as POWs, trying to prevent each other from falling from fatigue on the way home. Both become regular visitors to the Pálffy family and they both make amorous advances to Katinka, the beautiful daughter of the local vicar.
There's Only One Girl in the World

Helyet az öregeknek
Béla Gaál
S.Z. Sakall, Ernö Verebes
Mr. Polgár is a provincial paper dealer. His sons, Viktor and Feri, are managers in a big factory in the capital, spending their money lavishly, living their lives in a careless, irresponsible way. Viktor is to marry a baroness and feels rather too uneasy about his father's small business. He persuades his old man into selling the business he had so long cherished and to move to their place in Pest.
Jo Az Oreg A Haznal