Zoltán Várkonyi
1912 - 1979Hattyúdal
Márton Keleti
Zoltán Várkonyi, Ádám Szirtes
A past world is revived in the little cottage in the outskirts, next to the housing blocks under construction. Tamburás, the old hobo collects swerved youth: Diák, who desires freedom, the bus driver who is deprived of his license for having run over someone, and the rest. They have got an easy and unbound life there, with constant music, small thefts, occasional labour, tricks.
Villa Negra

Butaságom története
Márton Keleti
Éva Ruttkai, Lajos Básti
The celebrated actor considers his wife a nitwits actress of a mediocre talent. But an influential playwright, a friend of theirs, has written a play with the main role designed for her, Kati, particularly. Its title is "The Most Intelligent Woman in the World". On the day of the first night performance Kati recalls their past, the times she had together with her husband.
Story of My Foolishness

Három csillag
Miklós Jancsó, Zoltán Várkonyi
Lajos Básti, Miklós Gábor
В фильме три новеллы. Первая — о стойкости и мужестве рабочих военного завода, которые накануне вступления советских войск в Венгрию объявили забастовку. Вторая — о трех советских воинах, которые во время боя попали в крестьянскую избу, где больная женщина просила привести священника, чтобы он окрестил ее новорожденного. Воины выполнили просьбу женщины, чем заслужили ее благодарность. Уходя, они оставили мальчику на память три звездочки со своих головных уборов. Третья — о том, как советские войска, заняв один из венгерских городков, спасли жизнь большому количеству людей, скрывавшихся от зверств фашистов в одном из подземелий.
Három csillag

Egri csillagok
Zoltán Várkonyi
Imre Sinkovits, György Bárdy
This romantic and grandiose historical film depicts the era of the constant incursions and heroic battles fought by the defenders of the castle of Eger, led by captain István Dobó, against the heavy odds of superior numbers through the lives and love of Bornemissza Gergely and Cecey Éva. Gergely is inaugurated as a fighter already at the age of 7, when he escapes the captivity of the half-eyed Turk, Jumurdzsak, with Vica and the war-booty. In thirty years' time he becomes the first assistant of captain Dobó and the brain of the castle in the defence of Eger.
Stars of Eger

Ártatlan gyilkosok
Zoltán Várkonyi
Péter Huszti, László Tahi Tóth
Two arts students, András and Viktor who are writing their thesis on detective stories, make up a story and keep nagging the famous film-director, who just came back from Hollywood, until he undertakes the job. At night they work on the film, in which two youths kill a director returning from the US. In the morning the director is found dead - a knife in his back.
Innocent Assassins