István Bujtor
1942 - 2009Hideg napok
András Kovács
Zoltán Latinovits, Darvas Iván
Andras Kovacs' film, considered one of the most important Hungarian films of the 1960s, centers around four men who await trial for their involvement in the massacre of several thousand Jewish and Serbian people of Novi Sad in 1942. Each denies any responsibility, claiming that they were only following orders. The film is significant for its willingness to address the subject of Hungary's role in WWII, which was taboo at the time of the its release.
Cold Days

A világ közepe
Tamas Fejer
László Helyei, Gábor Koncz
Matthias shoulder the burden of not only the government, but also the duty of the qualification overwhelming. That is released from the care, disguise hunt megy.Így Gyevibe reach the center of the world where the law of the judge himself, who is of course no law judge brig Zarate vonatkozik.A haughty king in disguise, while the royal court only gather the bride candidates causing no small diplomatic complications.
A világ közepe

Sortűz egy fekete bivalyért
László Szabó
Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jean Rochefort
During the years following World War II, a new boy arrives to class 7/c, and the audience learns to know the lives of the drunkard teacher, his husband-cheating wife, the lonely music teacher hiding behind her paper flowers, the wise count deprived of all his properties, the jovial parish priest and especially the buffalo owner of tragic fate who lost his four daughters, alongside with the young protagonist.
Volley for a Black Buffalo

Gyertek el a névnapomra
Zoltán Fábri
Piros Ildikó, István Bujtor
The elite of political and business life of the country town gather to celebrate the namesday of László in the luxury villa. Everything begins just as usual, but now an incident disturbs the stag party.
The House-Warming

Fedneve: Lukács
Manos Zacharias
András Kozák, Oleg Vavilov
Молодой венгр Бела Франкль во время первой мировой войны попадает в русский плен, переходит на сторону революции и спустя некоторое время под псевдонимом Матэ Залка становится известным советским писателем. В 1936 году, прибыв добровольцем в Испанию, он становится генералом Лукачем, формирует 12-ю интернациональную бригаду из бойцов-непрофессионалов и принимает первые тяжелые бои с кадровыми формированиями Франко...
Fedneve: Lukács

A Pogány Madonna
István Bujtor, Gyula Mészáros
István Bujtor, András Kern
The unique statue of the ancient fertility goddess Demeter, known as the "Pagan Madonna" is stolen from the museum, located in a small town on Lake Balaton. At the same time seriously wounded a servant of the museum. The abduction of the museum's priceless statues of pure gold is investigated by the then young and inexperienced investigator Kardos and lieutenant "Droplet".
The Pagan Madonna

Pál Sándor
Dezső Garas, András Kern
"Ripacsok" is a great movie with great soundtrack, acting, cinematography, direction, etc. The world of "artists", hamming actors, good clowns and bad clowns... A unique movie in many ways. Pál Sándor is a very good hungarian director, watch his movies (especially the slightly better "Régi idõk focija") if you have the chance.
Salamon & Stock Show

Do not Panic, Major Kardos
István Bujtor, Sándor Szönyi G.
István Bujtor, András Kern
There are mysterious murders in the area of Lake Balaton. These places are shrouded in secrecy and constantly attract hunters: during the Second World War, the Germans had hidden a huge treasure here. Investigation of the murders entrusted to Major Kardos. He takes up the case, but in search of treasure he had many competitors. Kardos uses help from his loyal friend - a policeman-superman Etvash aka "Droplet".
Do not Panic, Major Kardos

Harlekin és szerelmese
Imre Fehér
István Bujtor, Anikó Sáfár
Lint and his lover are sailing and making fun absent-mindedly at Lake Balaton when the anchor suddenly gets stuck in a bomb in the mud. Lint gets hurt while fussing about under the water. A strong storm breaks out when they reach the shore. In the local restaurant the man recalls his memories of war.
Harlequin and Her Lover

Álmodozások kora
István Szabó
András Bálint, Ilona Béres
Jancsi is part of a closely knit gang of young engineers. They see the older engineers as mediocre, and have grand ideas about developing new inventions together. With changing living conditions the five friends start to grow apart. At a party Jancsi suddenly meets Éva Halk. They fall in love, and find common memories in the engagement in The Pioneer Railway at the age of 12.
Age of Illusions