Sammy Jackson
2021Vietnam in HD
Sammy Jackson
Vietnam in HD is a 6-part series that immerses viewers in the sights, sounds and stories of the Vietnam War as it has never before been seen. Thousands of hours of uncensored footage--much of it shot by soldiers in action--will detail every critical chapter of the conflict. The war will unfold onscreen through the gripping firsthand accounts of 13 brave men and women who were forever changed by their experience in Vietnam.
Vietnam in HD

WWII in HD: The Air War
Sammy Jackson
Elijah Wood, Sean Astin
Следите за невероятными историями трех летчиков 8-й воздушной армии и репортера Stars & Stripes Энди Руни в течение кровавого года, предшествовавшего Дню Д, против самых мощных военно-воздушных сил в мире, немецких люфтваффе.
WWII in HD: The Air War