Heike Bachelier
2021The Lost World of Mr. Hardy
Andy Heathcote, Heike Bachelier
Mister Jim' is how the employees respectfully addressed their boss Jim Hardy, the last Hardy to work in the family business and now retired. It was Jim's Grandfather and Greatuncle, who in 1873 opened a small shop in the far north of England. Both passionate fisherman, they invented fishing tackle and began to sell it. Their skill, devotion, and innovative marketing strategies allowed them to conquer the world. The name Hardy's has now been synonymous with fishing for 130 years. Vintage Hardy's handmade tackle stirs the heart of many a fisherman with Prince Charles amongst the enthusiasts, these are now prized collectors items. Today the skills involved in hand made fishing tackle are dying although the company does survive.
The Lost World of Mr. Hardy

Heike Bachelier
Two ex-friends from East Germany meet up after many years. One was a dissident, the other spied on him for the Stasi. One went to prison. One did not. A unsettling story of how a dictatorship spun so strong it could completely control its population.
Enemy Engagement

The Moo Man
Andy Heathcote, Heike Bachelier
Stephen Hook
Modern British dairy farms must get bigger and bigger or go under but Farmer Stephen Hook decides to buck the trend. Instead he chooses to have a great relationship with his small herd of cows and ignore the big supermarkets and dairies. The result is a laugh-out-loud emotional roller-coaster of a film, a heart warming tearjerker about the incredible bonds between man, animal and countryside in a fast disappearing England.
The Moo Man

Of Fish and Foe
Andy Heathcote, Heike Bachelier
George Pullar, David Pullar
The Pullars are the last family using traditional methods to fish for wild Atlantic salmon off the coast of Scotland. When these include killing seals, the salmon’s natural predators, conflict erupts. Animal activist groups Sea Shepherd and Hunt Saboteurs oppose the Pullars at every turn, despite the legality of the fishermen’s actions and the consequences to their livelihood. Challenging preconceptions, this ambiguous doc puts modern environmentalism under the microscope.
Of Fish and Foe