Anatoli Efros
1925 - 1987A Noisy Day
Anatoli Efros, Georgi Natanson
Valentina Sperantova, Gennadi Pechnikov
On an ordinary Moscow street, a family lives together in an unremarkable house: a mother and four children. But one "fine" day in this family there is a violent conflict over the furniture with which the apartment is packed. However, furniture is just an excuse. In fact, two worldviews collide, different ideas about life values...
A Noisy Day

Pages from Pechorin's Journal
Anatoli Efros
Oleg Dal, Andrey Mironov
Grigory Pechorin, a dashing Byronic figure, arrives in Pyatigorsk and gets entangled in a web of romantic ploys and deceptions. Based on "Princess Mary", the longest novella in Mikhail Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time".
Pages from Pechorin's Journal

В четверг и больше никогда
Anatoli Efros
Lyubov Dobrzhanskaya, Oleg Dal
On the eve of his wedding, a young doctor leaves Moscow to see his mother who lives in a nature reserve. Things are complicated by the fact that the doctor's ex-girlfriend is also there, and she is expecting a child.
On Thursday and Never Again

Високосный год
Anatoli Efros
Yelena Fadeyeva, Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy
On the streets of the regional city, a cheerful holiday bustle reigns. The apartment of the Kupriyanovs is also noisy — friends of their youngest daughter Yulka are preparing for the New Year. The old driver Leonid Kupriyanov will not have to celebrate the holiday with his family, he should go on the next trip. Preparing for the New Year, none of the heroes imagined what dramatic events would fall on them, how difficult and unexpectedly the destinies of three families would intertwine, how difficult it would be to recover from their experiences ...
A Leap Year

Двое в степи
Anatoli Efros
Valeri Babyatinsky, Lev Durov
In the summer of 1942, the Soviet army is fighting the Germans on the Don River. Young lieutenant Ogarkov gets lost in the steppe and fails to deliver a redeployment order. For that, he is sentenced to death. Now, another soldier has to lead him across the steppes to his death.
Two on the Steppes

Всего несколько слов в честь господина де Мольера
Anatoli Efros
Lev Kruglyy, Yuri Lyubimov
Episodes from the life of Molière with scenes from his play, revealing the tragic picture of the confrontation between the great playwright and the authorities.
Some Words in Honour of Mr. De Molière