Bernard Gosselin
2021Jean Carignan, violoneux
Bernard Gosselin
Jean Carignan, Paul Gosselin
Man of the people, taxi driver, Jean Carignan is above all else one of the world's greatest violinists. In his hands reels become complex, intelligent creations, played with a virtuosity worthy of Paganni, and which continue the traditions of a genre passed on orally. A genre which has retained its popularity, and whose giants include Skinner, Coleman, Allard. Jean Carignan tackles their repertoire, as well as reaping the harvest of his exploration of Irish and Scottish musical traditions, which has made of him an internationally renowned specialist in Celtic music. This film is also a love story between an impoverished child and his violin, and provide a unique window into a remarkable era.
Jean Carignan, Fiddler

Le canot à Renald à Thomas
Bernard Gosselin
Renald Tremblay, Thomas Tremblay
Five men work together in a communal effort to build a skiff on Ile-aux-Coudres, an island in the St. Lawrence River. It is built in a traditional fashion, all the more remarkable because no blueprint is used. The film does not merely record a building tradition, it reveals the character of the craftsmen, who are influenced by a pre-industrial way of life underscored by spontaneity and wit.
The Skiff of Renald and Thomas

Les voyageurs
Bernard Gosselin
This short film tells the tale of the men who drove big freighter canoes into the wilderness in the days when the fur trade was Canada's biggest business. The film recreates scenes of the early 19th century with a soundtrack by an all-male chorus.
The Voyageurs

L'arche de verre
Bernard Gosselin
The undertaking of an enthusiastic group of scientists to transform an indoor cycle racing-track built for the 1968 Montréal Olympics into an ecological park. The Biodôme of Montréal contains 4 ecosystems of the 3 Americas, from the Tropical Forrest to the Polar World, from the Laurentian Forrest to the St-Lawrence Marine Environment.
The Glass Ark

Le beau plaisir
Bernard Gosselin, Michel Brault
Alexis Tremblay
From the lower St. Lawrence, a picture of whale hunting that looks more like a round-up, with a corral, whale-boys and all. In 1534, when he stopped at the island he named l'Île-aux-Coudres, Jacques Cartier saw how the Indians captured the little white beluga whales by setting a fence of saplings into off-shore mud. In the film, the islanders show that the old method still works, thanks to the trusting 'sea-pigs,' the same old tide, and a little magic.
Beluga Days

Le grand sabordage
Alain Périsson
Nathalie Drivet, Pascal Bressy
Two youngsters, a boy and girl barely into their teens, set up housekeeping together after dropping out of school. They have very little money and end up living in a rooming house. They spend their time playing, coming up with slogans, and writing them on available walls. Their relationship is mostly fraternal, so the boy doesn't understand the girl's jealousy when he begins receiving attention from an older woman. When the girl undertakes drastic measures, he begins to understand. This Canadian film is in French, with a French director.
Le grand sabordage

Le martien de Noël
Bernard Gosselin
Marcel Sabourin, Catherine Leduc
A martian comes to a small town in Quebec and becomes friends with the town children. He gives them candy to get the children into his spacecraft. This alarms the parents but he wins them over and they have a great big Christmas party.
The Christmas Martian